(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Longview. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Longview here.)
Farsight T-20 is essentially
Longview, but with blue as his main color instead of yellow. Some other
changes, have been made, of course-- more gray and less black-- but this
one color swap remains by far the largest change to this Real Gear mold.
Blue goes with the black and gray quite well, though it does follow the
movie aesthetic of being realistic, but a tad dull in the process. Just
a few light paint apps on the gray or black really would've helped to give
Farsight more variety, but these three colors are pretty much all he's
got on him. Still, if you've been reading my reviews for a while you probably
know that, with few exceptions, I'm not a fan of the color yellow, so the
blue to me looks a tad better overall, even if honestly I've seen more
yellow binoculars than dull blue binoculars. Plus, the white Autobot symbol
on the chest looks great. Oh, and we can't forget that the sticker on Farsight's
"viewfinder" actually shows MOVIE Transformers (namely, Optimus and Ratchet)
and not Transformers from the Cybertron line this time around.
No mold changes have
been made to Farsight T-20.
Honestly, Farsight T-20
could've had a bit more dramatic of a color change than just mostly Longview's
yellow to a dull blue, but he still looks a tad better than his mold's
predecessor, in my point of view. If you don't have Longview, highly recommended--
otherwise, you may want to skip unless you don't mind owning more than
1 of the same mold, as Farsight isn't different enough from Longview overall
to warrant a second purchase for most casual collectors.
Review by Beastbot