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Transformers-related Destinations

The Allspark Message Board Community- A bunch of message boards all rolled up into one website. A place to talk about transformers, and other stuff as well!

Beast Wars International- Another excellent Beast Wars site, with some toy reviews, character bios, fanfics, and more!

Brave Fortress- A great site for excellent pictures of Transformers, as well as other properties like Gundam and Marvel as well!

Bwtf.com- Benson Yee, the guy who runs this page, must be really busy, getting all this updated information! The least you can do is visit him!=

Hasbro's Transformers web site- The official web site for the Transformers toys. Need I say more?

Official Transformers Movie Website- Check out the official Facebook web page for the Transformers Live Action Movies, with updates on the latest movie's progress and more!

Tformers.com- Another decent news site, with very up-to-date news and pics of the latest Transformers news!

Transformers Wikipedia- A HUGE site covering every topic imaginable regarding our beloved robots in disguise-- if you want comprehensive info on something TF-related, look here!

Transformers World 2005- One of the best sites out there for Transformers news!

Transformers Archive- A HUGE site of archived Transformers stuff!

Unicron.com- Another great TF site, with toy reviews, news, and comic fics!

X-Men: Evolution-Related Sites

Comics Continuum- A great site with very up-to-date news on the newest comics and comics-related shows, like X-Men: Evolution.

Marvel Animation Age's X-Men: Evolution website- One of the best sites for Evo on the web, with tons of episode reviews, bios, and even exclusive interviews with the series creators!

Marvel.com- The official site for the comics company that produces the various X-Men comic titles.

Steven E. Gordon's website- The character designer for X-Men: Evolution's website. Check out the special section on how to draw the X-Men characters! (Flash 6 is required to view the site.)

X-Men: Evolution Wiki- A great resource for pretty much anything you'd want to know about the series!

Great Online Stores
(Disclaimer: Even though I am providing links to these sites, I am not responsible for any purchases between you and these stores- that is the store owner's business, not mine.)

Bigbadtoystore.com- A great place to buy the latest American Transformers, as well as Japanese Transformers, Gundam toys, and much more!

Captured Prey- An relatively small online Transformers shop, but with excellent customer services and nice prices!

Entertainment Earth- Another nice place to buy the newest Transformers, although a bit more expensive than most other online shops. Their selection is one of the best, though!

Hasbro Pulse- Hasbro's official collector-oriented store where you can buy almost anything Hasbro-- including Transformers, of course! (And all at retail pricing!) Hasbro also has some exclusive toys to their shop, too, so check it out!

Target.com- Target's official online website, offering not only retail prices on the latest Transformers, but some of their exclusives as well!

The Chosen Prime- An onlne store focused mostly on 3rd Party Transformers, but with some "official" stuff as well-- and a rewards program!

Transfan2's Shop 'n Look- An often-overlooked toy store that often has some great "finds" that aren't easily available at the bigger online retailers, and with prices that are often barely above regular retail to boot! (You will need to register an account before you can purchase anything.)

Toysrus.com- Same thing as with Target's website, only for Toys "R" Us-- including online availability of some exclusive toys!

Walmart.com- This site has the cheapest prices for Transformers you're likely to find on the net, and a reasonably good selection, too.

Other Cool Destinations

Christ Centered Gamer- A unique game review site that gives a moral score as well as a score on the actual game-- highly recommended for Christian gamers!

Fanfiction.net- An absolutely massive site, containing a huge amount of fanfiction from pretty much every show or hobby you can think of! (I'm there under a slightly different name, "Beastbot X".)

Game Informer- A constantly-updated site featuring the latest news on video games of all kinds!

Homestarrunner.com- A hilarious Flash site starring a group of...things. Eh, yeah. Well, regardless, it's really funny, and has tons of 'toons, downloads, and games! However, occasional mild language is used, so I'd recommend this site for ages 12 and up.

Rifftrax- For just a few bucks a pop, this site offers numerous .mp3 downloads that you can play while watching certain movies, and funny comments are made during the movie-- from the Mystery Science Theater 3000 mastermind himself, Michael J. Nelson!

The "Weird Al" Yankovic website- The most famous comedy song writer ever, here is his official web site, with news about upcoming tours, songs, and merchandise!

The Official They Might Be Giants Website- The website for the great song writers, They Might Be Giants. They're essentially the Seinfeld of the music industry- their songs are essentially about nothing, but there's an inexplicable appeal to them. Previews of songs, news, and more!

Transypoo- A hilarious weekly online comic by my good friend Transmutate!

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