Season II, Episode IV:

"Fun and Games"

Writer: Brian Swenlin

Director: Frank Paur

Original Air Date: October 20, 2001

Introducing: Arcade

Synopsis/Review: This episode begins much like "Survival of the Fittest". We zoom in on the prison where they're holding Juggernaut. A police guard is listening to music via headphones, not really paying attention to the control room around him, when suddenly, an alarm goes off. The guard doesn't hear at first- until he opens his eyes and sees the red alarm blinking. He immediately takes his headphones off and gazes at the readout screen- apparently, something's wrong with Juggernaut's fluid tank! He calls the person in charge of the prison, and they both enter the Juggernaut's chamber, where the alarm is coming from. Everything SEEMS fine, but there must be something wrong with the valves or something... Anyway, the guard asks his officer what they should do, and the officer responds that they need to "make a call...".
    Later, at the X-Mansion, the X-Kids (the main ones, anyway... the New Mutants are strangely absent from this meeting...) are awoken from their sleeping and called together by Professor X, who tells them that he's gotten a call from the prison where they're holding Juggernaut. Something's wrong with Cain's containment tank, and he has to go there and help out the personnel before the tank's effects wear off and Juggernaut wakes up. However, with Logan out on the road and Storm visiting her relatives in Africa, he's forced to put Scott and Jean in charge while he's gone. Scott and Jean confirm that they can handle the responsibility while he's gone, and the Prof leaves, and the kids go back to sleep. After shrugging off Scott's suggestion of an early morning Danger Room session, heh.
    Later, at Bayville High, Jean is checking out the bulletin board in the front yard of the school when she hears Scott and Terran talking on the other side. Curious, she eavesdrops on the two. Terran trying to get all lovey-dovey with Scott, but Scott manages to resist her flirting, at least enough to keep his glasses on when she tells him to take them off so she can see the color of her eyes. Terran reluctantly walks away, and Scott turns and walks straight into Jean. Scott figures out that Jean was spying on them (even though she unconvincingly denies it), and that Jean is a little jealous of Scott and Terran's relationship. Ya can dish it out, but ya can't take it, ay, Jean? Anyway, Scott just smiles at Jean's half-hearted denial of the whole thing and walks off, leaving Jean a bit mad/jealous at him. Even though he resisted Terran's flirting. Go figure.
    Meanwhile, in the Bayville High computer classroom, Kitty's managed to crash three computers while trying to program them- she hasn't gotten much sleep, obviously. We then shift over to the other side of the room, where Risty's watching a boy named Webber play an arcade game on the computer. He's almost beaten it ("They don't call me Arcade for nothing!", he says), when the teacher comes over and turns off the game. Awww.
    After class, Risty's talking with Kitty as they walk down the hallway. Risty asks if there's any parties going on this weekend, but Kitty says that she hasn't heard of any. Risty hints that "if annnyone didn't have their parents home this weekend, we could pull someting together". It gets the right gears turning in Kitty's brain, and she...
    ...later mentions to Kurt, Evan, and Rogue about maybe having a party at the X-Mansion, since all the adults are gone. Evan and Kurt are all behind it, but Rogue mentions that Scott and Jean are DEFINITELY not going to be for this. Evan, Kurt, and Kitty immediately frown upon this, until Kurt comes up with a plan... Who says that they have to know?
    Meanwhile, back at Juggernaut's prison, Xavier helps the guards fix the malfunction with Cain's fluid tank. It's a close call, though- Cain almost manages to break free before the paralyzation fluid takes effect again. Xavier, after he finishes tweaking the system, tells the guards that this malfunction was no accident- by looking at the internals of the control panel, this was definitely sabotage...
    Later, at sunset, Scott's waiting by his car at a lookout point outside of Bayville when he sees Duncan's car pull up, and Jean hops out and thanks Duncan for the ride. Duncan just smirks at Scott, who narrows his eyes as Duncan drives away. Jean comes up to Scott, asking him what she wanted her up here for. Scott's like, whoa, wait a sec- I thought YOU wanted to meet ME here? After a moment of confused silence, Scott replies that HE knows what's going on- Jean wanted him up here so that he'd be away from Terran, since she's jealous of their relationship and stuff. Jean's like, nuh-uh! So they argue a bit... unaware that Kurt and Kitty pop up behind them, and Kurt silently fiddles with the car's transmission while Kitty takes Jean's cell phone out of her backpack via phasing it. The two dissappear as quickly as they arrive, and Jean's finally like, take me home, Scott, you jerk! Yeah, like THAT'S gonna get him to drive you anywhere... They get in the car, and Scott turns the key... but nothing happens. He tries again, but the car's engine isn't turning on. Jean's like, oooooh, okay, I get it now- you lured me out here and then "conveniently" had car trouble! You jerk! And now Scott's on the defensive side while they both sit in an idle car...
    Back at the X-Mansion, the party's on, and Kurt and Kitty celebrate their victory as the rest of the X-Kids (New Mutants included this time) and many of the kids from Bayville High par-tay! Arcade and Risty walk into the party, and Arcade's in awe at the size of this place. Risty definitely affirms that it's neat as they walk off, and as they enter a side hallway, she mentions that she's been here before, and she thinks that they've got a big computer in one of these rooms... And of course, that catches Arcade's attention, since he's a nerd stereotype. "BIG COMPUTER! WHEEEEE! WHERE IS IT!?" And Risty leads him off to where she thinks it is...
    Meanwhile, back at Lookout Point, Scott's finally decided to walk down to a pay phone, since Jean's cell phone is missing. He and Jean are still rather angry with each other, and Jean pulls him back to her via her psychic powers only to walk ahead of him. Eh... yeah.
    Meanwhile, back at the Mansion, Risty leads Arcade downstairs to the basement, and to a locked door. Uh-oh, now what are they going to do? No prob, Arcade says, I can hack with the best of 'em. He hacks his way through the door, and is immediately awed by the "big computer" behind it... Cerebro...
    He immediately hacks into Cerebro to get it to recognize him as its primary user, and searches for "games". He finds pictures of some of the New Mutants in their X-Costumes, but he apparently hasn't seen them before... game characters, maybe? Risty hints that she could definitely use a copy of those files for her computer class project... Arcade takes the hint and quickly burns her a copy, then blatantly tells her to leave... he wants to see what this baby's capable of. He comes across a "game" called "Danger Room".... hmmm...
    There's then a short scene in which Scott and Jean are in the process of riding home... squished together in a pickup truck with a large man who's driving a bunch of farm stuff to its destination. The ride's miserable.. and bumpy... and Scott and Jean are understandably ticked at their situation.
    Back at the X-Mansion, Rogue's partying when she notices her X-Watch beeping. What's going on? She gathers Spyke, Shadowcat, and Nightcrawler together at the entrance to the Danger Room, where the problem's originating from. She can't get the doors open, and it sounds like something's active inside their. Kurt replies that it's no problem, he can just shut it off from the inside- and teleports in, only to get hit by a blast from one of the active guns. Shadowcat peeks in after wondering if Kurt's finished yet, but she finds out that he's been hit. Getting ready to combat the Danger Room, Kitty phases Evan and Rogue in and they manage to rescue an unconscious Nightcrawler. Arcade, now in control of the Danger Room that he thinks is a "game", sends all sort of stuff after them that they barely manage to evade, until Kurt finally snaps out of it and teleports them away a little.
    Arcade watches as the "game" upgrades itself to Defcon 4, since the Danger Room "has been compromised". Oh yeah, he likes the sound of that! We then zoom back to the main party, where the various Bayville High teens and New Mutants are completely oblivious to the all the outside doors and windows bolting up and having a sheet of metal enclose over them. Er, yeah. I mean, I know it's loud party and everything, but how can you NOT notice that you're being sealed in the Mansion? Especially when there's so many people there? Riiight.
    Elsewhere in the Mansion, Risty's calling for help- she's lost in the lower levels, and can't find her way out. Suddenly, some big robot comes up behind her and shoots her, knocking her out. Down for the count, Risty... morphs into Mystique! (Odd that she's not all scaly like when we last saw her in "The Cauldron"... she looks mostly the same, except she has yellow eyes now, and is wearing a different outfit. Weird...)
    Meanwhile, Scott and Jean finally arrive back at the Mansion, thanks to the truck guy. Seeing all the cars in the driveway, they realize that they've been tricked- the other X-Kids are having a party! They're about to go in and teach the other X-Kids who's in charge, when the security systems all around the lawn suddenly activate, targeting them! Via a bunch of close calls, Jean and Scott manage to evade the various laser guns and schtuff and Jean manages to levitate them to the secret base entrance behind the nearby waterfall, and they enter the Blackbird docking area... only to have a huge guardian robot try to stop them! They manage to evade and destroy the robot, continuing on towards the center of the Mansion, where the main control room is. They don't notice a recovering Mystique hiding in the shadows. She smirks and runs out of the Mansion the other way.
    Meanwhile, in a sub-corridor of the lower levels, Kurt, Kitty, Rogue, and Evan are barely managing to survive with all the stuff Arcade is throwing at them. Kitty manages to phase Rogue out of the hallway as Kurt and Evan teleport out.
    Scott and Jean, after destroying a bunch of attacking security turrets, finally make it into the control room, but Jean finds out that all control has been rerouted to Cerebro. Kitty, Evan, Kurt, and Rogue manage to join them by phasing/teleporting into the room. Scott and Jean are definitely angry at the other four for having a party, but they're smart enough to save it for later. Arcade manages to find the X-Men via camera video feed. Kitty recognizes that that's Webber, one of her friends- but she doesn't know how he got into Cerebro... Arcade, happy that he's found his prey, activates some more defense systems and nearly electrocutes the X-Men in the process. The X-Men manage to escape from the main control room and battle their way to Cerebro. Kurt teleports Rogue up to Arcade, and she touches/knocks out Webber before he can turn around to see what's going on...
    Later, Kurt, Kitty, and Evan are waving good-bye to the last of the party-goers. All the security systems have been "discreetly" disabled, and the last party-goers thank their hosts for a great party before driving off. The three X-Kids are bummed, though, as they didn't get to do as much partying as running around and fighting the defense systems. Boo-hoo, you got what you deserve, liars. Nyeh.
    We then switch over to Arcade, who's apologizing to Rogue, Jean, and Scott about sneaking into their computer. Apparently, he never caught on to the fact that Cerebro wasn't a game, and he tells them that he couldn't resist such an awesome computer, though. Rogue confused that Arcade thinks the whole thing was a game, until Xavier enters, apparently back a bit early. He tells the three X-Kids telepathically that Webber thinks that it was all a game, nothing more, and he's not about to tell him otherwise. Xavier tells Webber that his cab is waiting for him, and the stereotype takes off, sorry for what he did- or at least, what he THOUGHT he did. Scott apologizes to Xavier, shifting all the blame to himself. Xavier sternly responds that there's plenty of blame to go around. But he realized something while at Cain's prison- all of this was all set up so that someone could gain access to the Mansion. Xavier knows that it's not Arcade, but someone else who cleverly devised this opportunity to gain public access to the Mansion. The problem is, who is it?...
    We then switch to Mystique, who's just exiting the Mansion grounds. She morphs back into Risty, smiles and fingers the disk she got from Arcade, and then walks away...

Last Words: This episode had both its good parts and its bad parts. For one, I can't POSSIBLY believe that all those kids at the party didn't even notice the Mansion closing them in. I mean, there must have been dozens of people there. COME ON, kids aren't THAT unaware of their surroundings. And the whole idea that Arcade didn't catch on that Cerebro wasn't a game after all that time was kind of far-fetched too, especially after Rogue knocked him out and he woke up with seemingly no memory of what happened at the end of the "game". I mean, really- computers that sophisicated are NOT used for playing ultra-realistic games. Kitty and Kurt also acted a bit out of character in this ep- I couldn't believe that they'd actually "betray" Scott and Jean like that just so that they could have a party. Evan I could see doing that, and MAYBE Rogue, but Shadowcat and Nightcrawler? Nah, they aren't THAT irresponsible or rebel-like. However, there were many VERY cool and intense fight scenes between the X-Men and the automated defenses, which brings my rating of this ep up a bit, and the whole Scott/Jean/Terran/Duncan thing was pretty funny too, especially the arguement between Scott and Jean at Lookout Point. The Risty/Mystique thing was also a nice plot twist, although one could see it coming about five minutes prior to when it actually happened. Still, Evolution has definitely had better episodes than this.

Overall Rating: 6/10 Above Average

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