
Real Name: Webber Torque (sp?)

Mutant Power: N/A; Arcade's a regular human.

Voice Actor: Gabe Khouth

Guest Appearances: "Fun and Games" and "Self Possessed" (although he appears very briefly in the background in "Growing Pains" and "Badda Bing, Badda Boom")

Back Story: Webber, one of Kitty's friends, was invited to a party over at the X-Mansion. With the help of Risty, he gained access to Cerebro, and, stupidly thinking that it was some kind of really advanced computer game he found, used the Mansion's defense systems on the X-Men without even realizing it. He was eventually stopped when Rogue zapped his consciousness out for a bit, but he apparently didn't remember that part after he awoke again. After apologizing for breaking into part of the Mansion, he was pretty much kicked out, and went back home, still oblivious to the fact that the "computer opponents" he had faced earlier were real human beings.

Personality: Arcade's pretty much your stereotype "nerd". He has glasses, he is obsessed with computers and computer games, and he has a weird bit of a laugh. He seems oddly oblivious to the world around him when he's really into something. Unlike the original comic version of him, Arcade isn't an evil guy at all, but just somebody who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and who has a bit of a mischevious streak. He got the nickname "Arcade" from being so good at different computer games.

Final Reflections: Neither this version of Arcade or the "classic" version were really all that great, in my opinion. In his "classic" version, Arcade was a really weird millionaire who decided to subject the X-Men to deadly games. Here, he's a nerd, and oddly pretty much a dead-on stereotype, which is a little unusual for Evolution. Still, at least he was "grounded" a little bit more than his crazy millionaire classic version. Though he REALLY should've been able to figure out that Cerebro wasn't just computer with games loaded on it... I mean, c'mon...

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