Cliffjumper (Legion) [Generations] {Discount Retailer Exclusive}
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legion/Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, dark red, and some silver and light metallic blue
Rating: 7.8

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the "G1" Universe 2.0 Legends class Bumblebee toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the "G1" Universe 2.0 Legends class Bumblebee toy here.)

    I'm honestly surprised it took this many releases of this mold to finally get a redeco of it as Cliffjumper. By and large, this Cliffjumper redeco follows all the basic Cliffjumper rules-- he's mostly black and red, with a bit of silver. The red is of a particularly eye-catching shade of the color, and is a bit darker than the reds usually used on Cliffjumper toys. This means that, between the red and the black, there isn't as much as contrast as usual. That said, the whole red/black scheme was never particularly original (or exclusive to Cliffjumper) to begin with, and it still looks good. What helps the mold "pop"-- particularly in vehicle mode-- is the silver. Used on the headlights, windows (including the rear window, hurrah!), and face, it really contrasts excellently with all that dark red. Putting silver around the red Autobot symbol on the roof/chest was also a smart choice to make the allegiance symbol pop, as well. There's also just a touch of light metallic blue used on the eyes, which is a really nice shade to the point where I wish it had been used a bit more on the toy (perhaps on the headlights instead of silver, for instance).
    No mold changes have been made to this version of Cliffjumper.
    The legion class "Dollar Store" release of Cliffjumper is a solid recolor-- and finally, a usage of this mold that isn't a Bumblebee variant! The color scheme plays it by the book for the most part, with the only real difference from the norm being Cliffjumper's red being slightly darker than usual. Thus this toy isn't full of surprises, but that's okay-- it's still a good color scheme on a pretty decent Legion class toy, and it fills in a gap that may have been missing for many Legion/Legends class fans.

Cliffjumper Bio:
The best place to find Cliffjumper is wherever there's likely to be a fight.

Review by Beastbot

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