Bumblebee (Legend, G1) [Universe 2.0]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Series: Classic/Generation One
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Yellow, black, and some light metallic silvery blue, light sky blue, and silver
Rating: 7.5

    Bumblebee's classic G1-esque self returns in Legends form! I say "G1-esque" because due to copyright reasons, he's not QUITE a Volkswagon Bug, though the car is made to resemble a slightly "longer" version of that. The proportions in this mode are spot-on, particularly for a Legends figure, and most of the necessary details are there-- light blue headlights, silver-blue windows, a black front grill, and the like. I do wish he had just a tad more paint though, considering that his base color is just all yellow in this mode (besides the wheels, of course). Maybe some tailight paint apps or door deco jobs would have helped a little. All in all, though, a good, solid mode with no robot extras in sight.
    Bumblebee's robot mode is quite good for a Legends figure, and though it's certainly G1-inspired, as far as the specific design goes it more closely resembles his Classics deluxe version, such as the small backpack on his upper back and the longer feet. Speaking of the feet, they're my only major gripe about the toy in this mode-- they're way too long proportionally, and limit the number of poses he can do because of this. His articulation is also a bit more limited than it could have been, even considering the limitations of the size class-- he can move at the shoulders, at the hips, and back-and-forth at a joint behind where his stomach is (due to the transformation), but that's it. His feet can also move downwards SLIGHTLY at the ankles, but you can't do this much at all without it looking awkward-- it too is mostly a side effect of the transformation. His arms are merely molded into the sides of the car door panels that make up his arms, but this is practically a necessity at this price point so I can easily excuse it. His proportions are otherwise quite good, and the backpack on his upper back doesn't get in the way or look too "kibbly" or anything like that. The head sculpt is also very well-done, and is quintessentially the friendly G1 Bumblebee-- plus his paint detailing is quite crisp, too. The color scheme is also predictably broken up by black and thus looks better in this mode due to better contrast between the main colors.
    Universe 2.0 G1 Legends Bumblebee is a pretty decent Legends figure, with his only major drawbacks being his rather limited articulation and oddly long feet in robot mode. If you can afford or find Classics Bumblebee, this is a pretty good substitute-- but although this is a decent figure for the size class, Classics deluxe Bumblebee just serves as a more interesting figure overall, so I'd recommend him over this pint-sized version.

Bumblebee Tech Specs:
Strength: 2.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 1.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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