Sideswipe (Gravity Bot)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light milky glittery gray, black, and some silver, light metallic teal, light red, and dark metallic slvery blue
Rating: 5.1

    Sideswipe's vehicle mode is a bit off, even for a Gravity Bot. Basically the whole draw of Sideswipe's awesome vehicle mode-- at least to me-- was A. painted silver plastic and B. a really sleek, semi-futuristic design. This Gravity Bot has neither. Granted, a lot of this is so that Sideswipe can have the automatic Gravity Bot transformation and mark it as more of a "young kiddy" toy, but still... this chunky chubby vehicle mode just barely resembles the Centennial Corvette at all. Not to mention there's some pretty obvious "feet" mold & paint detailing behind the windows which is a bit of an eyesore, as it clearly can't double as "vehicle mechanical detailing" like many of the other robot feet bits peeking out from the vehicle modes of other Gravity Bots. As far as overall paint detailing, it's a tad on the sparse side. The necessary details are there-- the tire rims, the headlights, the windows-- but that's really it. The Corvette symbol isn't painted, and the drab gray just looks so dull compared to a silver-coated toy. (The shade of metallic blue used for the windows is pretty darned cool, though.) There's no paint detailing for the rear headlights or license plate, though.
    Sideswipe's auto-transformation to robot mode is what you'd expect from a Gravity Bot fare, but a small piece of his car hood also flips around to become his face, which is a nice little addition to the "sides of the car become shoulders/arms, windows become chest, back end becomes legs" transformation. The faux chest flap on the front doesn't quite fold down to be flush with the piece behind it, but this seems the be the norm for Gravity Bots, sadly. The detailing on that small chest piece is pretty good, though, ignoring the size, and the detailing done for the legs is quite well-done in this mode, particularly for a Gravity Bot (though like all other Gravity Bots, he can't move at all in robot mode). The head sculpt is also very well-done and accurate to the movie, and all the mold detailing on the back (bottom of the vehicle mode), with exhaust pipes and mechanical detailing everywhere, looks pretty good too. I don't like the overly large shoulders that are standard fare for Gravity Bots, but Sideswipe's robot arms merely being molded on the inside of his car door pieces makes a lot more sense for his design, given that on the standard deluxe toy he has swords on the back of his hands, which aren't too far removed from the somewhat pointy car door pieces hanging off his arms.
    Sideswipe's robot mode is about standard for a Gravity Bot-- in some cases slightly better-- but his dull gray, overly-chunky-even-for-a-Gravity-Bot, and bad proportions in vehicle mode make him overall one of the worst and most dull of the line. Really only recommended if a kid really likes Sideswipe but doesn't have the transformation skills to even be able to understand the Fast Action Battler version of the character.

Sideswipe Bio:
Sideswipe races into action with his blades poised to pierce some Decepticons! He's an eager warrior who's always looking for a fight. The bigger the bad guy, the better, he thinks, because there's nothing like a challenge!
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 3.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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