Starscream (Gravity Bot)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dull light brownish gray, metallic gunmetal gray, and some light metallic silvery blue, and metallic red
Rating: 4.4

    As opposed to all the other Gravity Bots, Starscream's alternate mode (obviously) is a jet as opposed to a ground-based vehicle. I'd like to say that gives him kudos points; unfortunately, his jet mode looks just plain bad, even accounting for the "kiddy factor" needed in the look given the target audience. The cockpit is absolutely ridiculous-looking, a big stubby bump sticking out from the top of the jet more than from the front. His wings are little bitty things as well, and the rear section of this mode sticks up from the rest of the alternate mode for no good reason (other than obviously becoming the legs in robot mode, which couldn't have been more obvious). On the plus side, the "Cyberglyph" tattoos all over Starscream really look good here and help to spice up the alt mode just as much here as they do on other, more "mainline" versions of the toy. Which is good, because otherwise his color scheme of light brownish gray is really realy boring. Starscream also has some pretty good detailing, with all the revelant plane details present, despite their "superdeformed" size. Starscream does have wheels on his underside loosely approximating landing gear, so he can move around on a flat surface a bit.
    Just like any other Gravity Bot, all you need to do to transform Starscrem is place his vehicle mode on its rear end, and he'll automatically convert because of gravity. His wings flip around to show his arms, and the cockpit section swivels around and flips down to reveal his robot head-- that's really it. Like other Gravity Bots, he has no articulation whatsoever in this mode, and his proportions are even wonkier than is the standard for this line. His arms are way too low and don't seem to be connected to his chest in any reasonable manner, the cockpit piece is hollow and there's a big gap between it and Starscream's actual robot head, his legs are one big block of plastic that doesn't move.... just, ugh. As for positives, man... this is tough. Let's see his head sculpt is pretty darned good, and the paint app and mold detailing on his arms is great. That's... about it.
    Gravity Bots certainly have their downsides, but many have upsides too, such as a cool gimmick and at least somewhat reasonable proportions in both modes. Starscream complete lacks the latter, with a goofy plane mode and an extremely weird-looking robot mode in practically all respects. I wish I could say having a jet Gravity Bot is great, but man... they should just have stuck with cars for this subline. My least favorite of the Gravity Bots. If a little kid really wants a Starscream toy, get him the Legend, Robot Replica, or Fast Action Battler version instead.

Starscream Bio:
Starscream worked hard to rally the remaining Decepticons, and now he has a nice little army on Earth. He and his soldiers wait in hiding for the right time to rise, and strike back at the Autobots.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 4.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 9.0
Courage: 5.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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