High Score 100
Controller ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Scout
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dull off-white, gray, and some dark metallic green and dull pinkish purple
Rating: 9.4

    High Score's alternate mode is a video game controller, similar in its button layout to any of the Sony Playstation systems, but with a few aesthetic (and color) differences to avoid licensing and copyright issues. Overall, this mode is very good, with perfect proportions from any angle, albeit the size is the main thing that keeps it from being able to pass as a real game controller at a glance-- High Score's only about half the size of a real game controller, one of the biggest size discrepencies among the Real Gear toys. Also, unlike Power Up, High Score's buttons aren't able to be pushed in, which is a bummer and rather ruins the playablity factor of this mode, limited as it admittedly is. High Score has all the mold detailing required of his alternate mode, albeit it not much more. His paint detailing is rather lacking, though, as only a few of his buttons are colored and he only has a few more paint apps in robot mode that aren't visible in this mode. The overall color scheme of off-white and gray with green accents also isn't particularly eye-catching, but it's realistic for a game controller and the colors certainly don't clash, so I don't have a problem with it.
    Even though his alternate mode is pretty good, High Score's robot mode is where he REALLY shines. Not only does he have practically no alt mode kibble-- the flap behind his head is the only exception here-- he has great articulation, proportions, and is just an all-around awesome figure. His long arms and small feet-- no doubt intentional-- make him look rough 'n tough, and give him tons of personality. His visored, faceplated head design also looks pretty darned cool, too. He can move at the head, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips, knees, and ankles (at two points), though many of these are on ball joints that allow for nearly unrestricted movement (the only exception is the knees, which are a little limited in how far they can move forward). His colors-- namely the increased amount of visible dark metallic green-- look better in this mode and break up each other better, as well. Honestly, the only real complaint I have about this mode-- and it's a pretty small one-- is that there's a rather noticeable gap between High Score's head and his chest. Other than that, he's pretty much perfect here.
    High Score 100 is, in my opinion, the best Real Gear mold, and that's really saying something. His robot mode is practically flawless, unique, loaded with personality, and his controller mode has perfect proportions, even if the size discrepancy between him and a real game controller is pretty noticeable. Highly recommended, unless you're a huge Halo fan, in which case you may want to wait for the Twitcher repaint...

High Score 100 Bio:
"Plug In, Turn On, Power Up"
High Score 100 has been made into a master martial artist by years of watching some of the most dangerous fighters in the known universe try their skill against one another. By careful observation, and copying their moves over and over again, he has reached a level of fighting skill previously unheard of among Transformers. If you are patient, and willing to learn, he will teach what he knows, but be warned: the path to ultimate power is fraught with hazards.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 5.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 5.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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