Human Torch (Marvel TF Crossover)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Bright orange, transparent light yellow-orange, silver, and some black, dull orange, and glossy gray
Rating: 8.8

    Human Torch's vehicle mode is a futuristic jet that looks like it can go pretty darn fast-- the nosecone is very long proportionally, with molded-in semi-translucent "flames" on the sides of the nosecone and on the tail ends of the relatively small wings and coming out of the rear thrusters. It's a really nice effect, and most of the flames gradually fade from orange to a transparent yellow-orange. This, combined with the predominantly bright orange color scheme, really, really works well for the Human Torch. Heck, it seems like the only reason they even bothered to complement the orange with silver is so that the mode doesn't look completely like it's on fire. (The silver IS needed for contrast, though-- a completely bright orange toy would have looked a bit gaudy.) The mold detailing on the rest of the vehicle mode is decent, though not extraordinary-- and you can't have too much mold detailing on a sleek figure like this without partially ruining the whole idea of "sleek". I wish this mode had some landing gear, though-- that's the only thing it's really missing. No obvious robot mode extras whatsoever. The Human Torch has a standard missile launcher under each wing which fires a "fiery" projectile.
    The Human Torch retains his fiery look in robot mode, as he should. The fiery detailing on his "hair" and chest is just as good as it is in vehicle mode, so it's great to see that effect continue in this mode. His head is also molded really well, what with the "bandanna" and all, and the paint detailing makes it look robotic enough while still looking Human Torch-y. Human Torch's proportions in this mode are pretty spot-on, and his articulation, while not spectacular, is pretty good-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at three points), elbows, wrists, hips, knees (at two points), and ankles. There's also very little kibble in this mode-- most of it folds behind his back, and the wings fold up against the arms quite nicely. That's not say this mode is perfect, however. The most annoying thing about it is that pressing down on the "4" symbol in the middle of his chest, which is supposed to slide his chest pieces apart some and pop his head up, does it, but doesn't really lock either into place very well, so often during play his head will start sinking back into his chest and his chest pieces will start to close up some. His kibble behind his back, consisting of part of the back of his jet mode and his nosecone, also does not lock into anything, and the nosecone halves poke out from behind the back rather unsightly, though their partially transparent nature negates this somewhat. On another minor note, his wrist-mounted missile launchers can't detach and fit into his fist holes, and there's no design reason why this shouldn't be the case.
    The Human Torch is one of the more impressive Marvel Transformer molds, with a few niggling downsides like his chest pieces & head refusing to lock into place and a bit of back kibble in robot mode, but otherwise he's excellently designed. Recommended-- the only thing stopping him from getting a "must buy" rating of 9.0 or above is that I think his color scheme is a shade or two too bright, it really could have used a secondary dark contrast color.

Human Torch Bio:
Unlike the other battle suits built by Iron Man, the one belonging to the Human Torch doesn’t quite require its own power source. Instead, it is powered by Johnny Storm’s flame powers. His nova flame is channeled through its engines to give it thrust, and through its weapons to allow it to fire powerful, superheated flame missiles.

Review by Beastbot

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