Iceman (Normal)Iceman (Costume)Iceman (Ice form)

Real Name: Bobby Drake

Mutant Power: Ability to condense and rapid cool moisture in the air via emitting intense bursts of cold, in effect creating ice- through a modification of this ability, he can also "turn into" ice himself

Voice Actor: Andrew Francis (also the voice of Billy in Transformers: Armada)

First Appearance: "Growing Pains"

Back Story: Iceman has no given back story. He was just one of the "new recruits" that was just there at the Season 2 opener, "Growing Pains".

Personality: Since Iceman has been one of the most-focused-on of the New Mutants, one can get a pretty good idea of his overall personality. He's rather immature compared to most of the other X-Men, always showing off even if it's not really the time to be doing so. As such, he gets himself into trouble more than once. As expected of a show-off, his ego is a bit too big, and he sometimes overestimates his abilities. He is continuously trying to prove that he can handle the "big-type" missions that the older X-Men regularly go on, even if he sometimes breaks the rules in order to do so. He actually did prove himself near the end of Season 3, although he never was accepted as an official "higher-up" X-Man, at least to our knowledge. Bobby's also a "take charge" kind of guy, and as such, he's the unofficial leader of the New Mutants. Cannonball's also his best bud, it seems. Bobby's still a good kid overall, though, and in very dire situations, he knows when to get serious and get the job done. In fact, after Spyke left the X-Men, Iceman has sort of taken Spyke's place as one of the core characters of the show, even though he's still seen with the New Mutants more than with the core X-Men.

Final Reflections: Even though I don't know if I liked his voice actor a whole lot, every show seems to need a troublemaker that's still a good guy, and Iceman certainly was that character for Evo. I'm not sure why they focused so much more on him than other deserving New Mutants, like Wolfsbane and Berzerker, though. I suppose just because in the original X-Men series, he was one of the first five guys. He really didn't have a terribly original personality, though.

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