Jubilee (Normal)Jubilee (Costume)

Real Name: Jubilation Lee

Mutant Power: Ability to create small unstable streaming molecules of energy that are similar to fireworks

Voice Actor: Chiara Zanni

First Appearance: "Growing Pains"

Back Story: Jubilee has no given back story. She was just...there... at the Season 2 opener "Growing Pains", listed off as a "new recruit". Her stint with the X-Men seemed to end, however, with the Season 3 episode "Mainstream", when her parents took her away from the Xavier Institute after the events during and following "Day of Reckoning", as they felt Jubilee was no longer safe there. However, at the end of "Ascension", she's in a group shot with the rest of the X-Men. Given Xavier's "future" visions at the end of that episode, it seems that she'll be staying an X-Men for a while to come, although I would've liked a better explanation for why and how she rejoined the X-Men.

Personality: Jubilee wasn't focused on that much except for in the episode "Joyride", but from what I can gather, she was a "closet Tabitha", so to speak. Meaning, she seemed to live for the thrill of it, always seeking to do things regardless of whether they were allowed or not... but unlike Tabitha, she wasn't openly so. She seemed to KNOW that what she was doing was wrong and irresponsible, so she did it when others weren't looking, i.e. "Joyride". However, unlike Tabitha, she seemed more or less to know when to take things seriously, such as during a training exercise or the like. She also was good friends with Cannonball and Iceman, although the relationship with either of them went no farther than that.

Final Reflections: Given how prominent of a role she had in the original X-Men cartoon series, I was really expecting Jubilee to get a bigger part than she did. It's a shame, too- from what I've read, the "original" Jubilee had an interesting past. An episode focusing on Jubilee would have been great, although I suppose we can't have everything...

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