Longhorn's Beast ModeLonghorn's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dark brick red, goldish yellow, gold, transparent light green-blue, and some silver, black, and orange-red
Rating: 6.9

    Beast mode is a bull. This mode is almost PERFECT. The detailing is pretty good, there are no extras to speak of, and the coloring choice isn't bad in my opinion either. The proportions are good, with only the horns exaggerated slightly- but that's the style of the Beast Machines Maximals, having certain features slightly exaggerated. There's even a ring in this bull's nose! The only thing that looks slightly odd is the large gap in the underbelly, but this is necessary for transformation, and doesn't subtract very much from the look of this toy. Hasbro advertises Longhorn as having "head-butting action" in this mode- if you push down a piece of fur sticking up on his back, his head "butts". This isn't really much more than just having Longhorn's beast head move up slightly, though, and this action is pretty weak. It looks more like Longhorn is shaking his head "yes". The allegiance orb is under a small panel on Longhorn's left upper back leg.
    When looking at the robot mode, it's quite obvious Hasbro made a few sacrifices in this mode to make the other mode look great. This mode is not nearly as good as the other one, in my opinion. First, the upper legs look pretty chunky and odd-looking when compared with the lower legs. Although this looked fine in beast mode, it looks kinda weird in this mode. Second, the hands are merely molded onto the insides of the beast mode hooves. It makes it look like Longhorn has his hands clutched together into fists, holding some kinda weird weapon thingy that looks like a hoof. Kind of a poor idea, if you ask me. Hasbro could easily have thought of a way to at least swing the hooves back into the lower arms or something. Third, there is a large gap between the robot head and the beast mode had, and it looks unfinished. Fourth, the beast mode had in the middle of Longhorn's chest looks very odd. True, in a lot of the original Beast Wars, there were animal heads on the chests, but there were not sides of the chest coming up to meet it! This makes it look like Longhorn is some kind of mutated two-headed bull creature in this mode, and it makes it look like he pierced his belly button. Finally, the two heads and the parts connecting them can jiggle a bit in this mode if you don't have him standing straight up, which can get kinda annoying after a while. Also, there's no waist articulation, which is kind of a disappointment. On the positive side, this mode still retains the cool color scheme and detailing from the previous mode. The bit of hair sticking up out of Longhorn's upper back makes it look like Longhorn sorta has a ponytail, too, which is kind of neat.
    An excellent transformer in beast mode, but I am not impressed with the robot mode.

Longhorn Bio:
MOTTO: "If you're strong enough, there are no precedents."
Highly intelligent, Longhorn is a warrior philosopher. One of the most powerful Maximals, believes that war is trying but necessary. A talented strategist as well as front-line warrior. Well liked by his comrades for circumspect attitude and admired for tenacity in battle. Often shouts his slogan, "When I see Vehicons, I see red...and when I see red, things get ugly!" before charging fearlessly into battle. Generates paralyzing thunderclaps by stomping on the ground. Reinforced skull and horns release concentrated lightning bolts. Despite serious demeanor, Longhorn takes great joy in battle, especially when goring Vehicons. Considers himself a vegetarian.
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 5.0
Firepower: 7.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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