Lugnut (McDonald's)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Happy Meal Size
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark purple, metallic silvery blue, and some red, pale yellow, and dull milky greenish blue
Rating: 2.6

    Lugnut's vehicle mode is very good, particularly for a Happy Meal toy. All of the right colors are there, and unlike most other Animated Happy Meal toys, he doesn't suffer from a huge lack of paint apps, with the teal on the wings and tailfin helping to break up the purple, along with his yellow-striped green-blue bombs. Granted, there could certainly be MORE paint detailing-- particularly on the cockpit-- but it's not bad. The proportions are also quite good, in some ways even better than his mainline Voyager class toy, what with the longer wings.
    In robot mode, however, the solid look falls part. It's extremely awkward in really every aspect-- his head is tiny and waaaaay towards the back of his enormous chest without having any real hunch, his arms have no real elbows and his bombs don't open to become claws, and his legs are way too long without really looking much like legs, given their "uni-leg" status that hasn't been seen for quite some time, plus the lack of any leg mold detailing. Honestly, it's hard to come up with ANYTHING positive to say about Lugnut's robot mode, other than that it's easy to transform, I guess. As for articulation he can move at the elbows and back (but not forwards) at his uni-knee, but that's it.
    It's rare for a Transformer to have such drastically different modes as Happy Meal Lugnut. His plane mode is good in pretty much every way you can reasonably expect for a Happy Meal toy (aside from a lack of paint detailing on the cockpit), but his robot mode is just horrid and incredibly awkward-looking in every way. Only recommended for little kids who want an easier-to-transform Lugnut than the Voyager class version.

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Review by Beastbot

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