Starscream (Animated; McDonald's)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Happy Meal Size
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dull pale purplish blue, dark red, and some black and light orange
Rating: 2.6

    Wow, what an amazing robot-laying-down-with-his-neck-broken mode! Oh, wait, what's that? That's supposed to be Starscream's VEHICLE mode?! Oh..... oh. Oh. Because I see jets with cockpits near the back, nosecones that take up more than half of the vehicle, a head in place of its engine, and arms sticking out of the wings all the time. Yeeeah. At least he copies his toy color scheme pretty well, but, really... that's about all the positive stuff I have to say for this "mode".
    With a vehicle mode that poor, it's a good thing Starscream has a prety darned decent robot mode for a Happy Meal toy. The proportions are pretty spot on, with only the tailfins on the back really being any sort of extras whatsoever. As far as articulation goes, his arms can move front-to-back at the shoulders, his legs can move side-to-side, and his head can rotate. That doesn't sound like a lot-- and it's not-- but it's a lot better than most of the other McAnimated toys, so that's a slight positive in Starscream's favor. The mold detailing is pretty good-- particularly on the head-- and is certainly very Animated-y, and he actually has a fair amount of paint detailing, with the important stuff like his head, wing stripes, and cockpit-chest being painted. He IS missing his nullrays on the sides of his arms, though. Kinda of an odd omission, there.
    McStarscream has pretty much the best robot mode out of the McAnimated Happy Meal toys, but he pays for it BIG time with an absolutely horrific "vehicle mode" that is literally his robot mode laying down with his head turned around. Get the Activator if you really can't afford the Voyager toy, but even for essentially free this guy isn't worth it for anyone but the most hardcore Starscream fans.

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Review by Beastbot

(Pics from official McDonald's images.)

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