Megatron (McDonald's, Armada)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Happy Meal Size
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Transparent green, bright pea green, gray-white, transparent light violet, reddish violet, and some dark blue and light red
Rating: 4.3

    Vehicle mode is a futuristic tank. This mode is pretty accurate to the "official" Armada Giga-Con toy, if you ignore the colors- even most of the molded details are the same. The "claws" on the front of the tank look even more out of place than they do on the Giga-Con toy, however, because they're a different color than the rest of the tank. The turret and its accompanying gun are also a bit too large proportionally, although this was probably to deal with the extreme safety standards that are put on Happy Meal toys, since these pieces are removable. What bugs me about this mode (and this toy), though, are the colors. I mean, where the frag did the bright violet and pea green come in!? It looks ridiculous! As for the Decepticon symbol, it's on the top of the turret. Megatron also has one Powerlinx port on the front of his right tread, and one Minicon port on the back of the same tread.
    Awww, we now know what Megsy looked like as a toddler! He's chunky, he has stubby legs, and a chubby face! Really, though, this mode suffers from some rather obvious proportions problems. This takes away from the very menacing look that the Giga-Con version of Armada Megatron has, which is certainly a shame. You also have to take off the turret and put it back on during the transformation, so the turret is a little prone to falling off, as it doesn't really have much holding it on to his back. As for his gimmick, if you push down on the turret, his right fist will swerve up slightly for "punching action", even though it's far too weak to really be a punch. His fists also glow in the dark, too. Oh, and Megatron has another Decepticon symbol on his chest in this mode.
    I think Megatron is the best out of the McArmada toys, but that's certainly not saying much. He still suffers from some weird colors and odd proportions in robot mode.

No Stats

Decepticon Gestalt
Decepticon Gestalt
Rating: 0.9

    Wow. What a gestalt. Four vehicle modes thrown together. How lovely. Although at least it's coordinated enough where the ground vehicles are on the bottom and the air vehicles are on the top. And this gestalt doesn't even stay together that well- Cyclonus is very prone to falling off. What a ridiculous combination.

Review by Beastbot

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