Vehicle mode is a futuristic
mobile missile launcher thingy. There's plenty of mold detailing on this
toy, but absolutely NO paint detailing except for on the robot face, which
is certainly a shame. Plus, the entire thing is asymmetrical, and in a
bad way- it looks like one of the missile launchers has no missiles in
it and is crooked, while the other is straight and has a fist poking out
its back, not to mention that they're different colors for some reason.
As for his gimmick in this mode, if you ram Demolishor into a wall, his
right missile launcher will pop off for "battle damage". Unfortunately,
this thing is incredibly picky, and will pop off at the slightest provocation,
making it extremely annoying. Demolishor's Decepticon symbol is on the
left side of the "cockpit" in this mode. He has one Powerlinx port on the
front of the left tread, and a Minicon port in the center of his "cockpit",
which makes him look mighty odd if you attach him to a larger Transformer.
Demolishor's robot mode
is a sin, it's so bad. His legs look ridiculous, his head is too chunky,
his left arm is smaller than the right and bent in the wrong direction,
and his crotch sticks out so far in front of him it looks obscene. Oh,
and his right arm falls off all the time. Not really anything positive
to say about this mode at all.
Don't get McDemolishor,
even if you're a completist. He's one of the worst Transformers ever, and
one of the few I regret purchasing.
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Review by Beastbot