Starscream [Armada] (McDonald's)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Happy Meal Size
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light red, gray-white, black, and some yellow
Rating: 1.6

    Vehicle mode is a futuristic jet. This mode is one of the doofiest-looking vehicle modes I've ever seen, and is WAY too kiddy, even for a Happy Meal toy. I mean, just look at this thing- it's far too... "chubby"... to be a plane, and looks like it has pontoons on the bottom. The proportions are just completely out of whack. The paint detailing is nice, though (for once). Starscream has two Minicon ports on the bottom rear of this mode, about half an inch apart. He also has three Decepticon symbols; one on each wing, and one on the center top of the airplane. Starscream's gimmick is pretty cool, though- pull back on it and let it go on a flat surface, and it'll roll forward, spin, flip, and transform, all in one smooth motion! Very neat!
    Too bad the robot mode is a big plastic brick, though. Although the proportions aren't too bad, he's basically just all molded onto two pieces of plastic- only his head can move in this mode, and that's it! Which pretty much limits him to just standing there and looking at you. Oh, yeah, and he has clown feet.
    Starscream has a really cool gimmick, one that I hope is used eventually on larger, "official" toys. That's pretty much all the good I can say about this toy, though.

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Review by Beastbot

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