Digital Watch ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Scout
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark dull grayish blue, dull milky gray, and some orange, transparent orange, dull light blue, and metallic gunmetal gray
Rating: 7.8

    Meantime's alternate mode is, appropriate, a digital watch. It's one of the less convincing alternate modes of the Real Gear toys, though, because of some rather obvious robot extras- like the hips, shoulders, and waist halves visible on the sides of the face of the watch. It's also fairly obvious that the parts where the "wristband" connects are the tips of Meantime's feet hooked together-- the two different "wristband" halves don't connect like a normal watch's, but instead overlap each other a bit, which does look rather odd. (In case you're curious, a small kid could probably fit his wrist through the watch with the wristband closed, but definitely not an adult. The robot head also sticks out a little from one side of the watch's face, but it manages to look like buttons that you could "set" the watch with, so that was actually a pretty creative way to make the robot head fit in with the look of this mode. The overall color scheme of blue and gray is pretty dull, but certainly realistic for a digital watch, and at least the couple of orange and gunmetal gray paint apps help to add contrast to the figure and spice things up a bit. The colors given to the watch face are very realistic, with the blue digital surface looking semi-luminous. (The time on the watch is 5:17, which corresponds to the date the final trailer for the Transformers Movie was released-- May 17th.) The mold detailing is very, VERY nice on Meantime, probably the best out of any of the Real Gear toys-- he's got little stylistic details all over the place, and the back side of the watch face is especially detailed with little gears and dial details molded in.
    Meantime's robot mode is quite good, certainly much better than his watch mode. The face sculpt is very good and fitting for the alternate mode, and the light piping used for the eyes works very well. The overall proportions are very nearly spot-on (with the only exception being that the shoulders are a bit too wide and the head a tad too small), though I wish his arms weren't hollow on the inside-- it sort of cheapens the look of them a bit. The feet also look a little weird, being twice as thick at the heels as they are at the lower legs, and Meantime essentially having two feet back-to-back at the end of each leg-- still, it helps with his stability and doesn't hinder movement, so this is only a minor downside. Meantime has excellent articulation-- he can move at the head, shoulders (at three points), elbows, wrists, hips (at two points), and knees. And, given that he doesn't have any real alternate mode kibble in this mode at all to hinder movement, you can get a ton of poses out of him. (The only really obvious "watch part", his chest, looks pretty good on him and adds to the look of the figure, in my opinion.) Like most Real Gears, though, he really does need a weapon to show off...
    Meantime is one of the weaker Real Gear toys, mostly due to his unconvincing watch mode with its overly bulky wrist straps, but he does have an excellent robot mode and is still quite a decent toy overall. Mildly recommended.

Meantime Bio:
"Time to Waste"
Meantime is one of the most powerful of the Real Gear Robots. It's just too bad he uses his powers for nothing but trouble. He can speed up, stop and even reverse time up to ten minutes. Rather than using his powers to make chores or homework go by faster, though, he likes to hang out at skate parks, where he speeds time up to cause huge wipe outs, then reverse it so that he can watch the accidents again.
Strength: 5.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 3.0
Endurance: 4.0
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 5.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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