Megatron (Transmetal)
Megatron Transmetal Toy
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Mega
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Chrome deep purple, dark brown, tan-gold, and silver-gray, with a little bit of purple, light red, and chrome silver
Rating: 8.5

*2018 UPDATE/BUYER BEWARE: After several years, the brown plastic on Transmetal Megatron has shown reports of mild-to-moderate Gold Plastic Syndrome (crumbling). Be aware of this when purchasing this toy.*

    Beast mode is a metallized tyrannosaurus rex. His face looks very fierce and nicely sculpted. The detailing over the rest of his body is great too, with tubes and wires molded all over. No robot extras visible except for his lower neck, which shows his robot hands. His tail is very flexible, unlike the original T-Rex Megatron.
    Vehicle mode is a tyrannosaurus rex with turbines on his hips and roller skates for feet. This a somewhat nice mode, finally giving Megatron flight. The purple part of the turbines is able to turn, but the turbine as a whole can’t turn at all. His skates don’t roll, however, which is a big setback.
    Robot mode has no extras on the bottom, but on the top this mode has a bit of “shoulder armor”. Although this does complement the mode some, it does get in the way some. His feet are the same as his beast mode's, and look nice with the purple claws. His tail becomes a pulsar gun/claw, with a little hook so he can hold it. He has a part of a tyrannousaurus head on his chest, and this looks very nice.
    The best Megatron, in my opinion. Highly recommended.

Megatron Transmetal Bio:
FUNCTION: Predacon Commander
A quantum surge rips across the Beast Wars world altering Megatron, evil genius and leader of the Predacons, into a metal-armored T-Rex. New turbine powered V.T.O.L. (Vertical Take-off and Landing) engines extend from his body, providing blazing atmospheric flight and the ability to “drop in” on unexpecting Maximals with his whiplash cutlass! Fused reptilian musculature enhances his power in an organic robot mode. The result: creation of a supreme tyrant!
Strength: 10+
Speed: 10+
Rank: 10.0
Firepower: 10+
Intelligence: 9.0
Endurance: 10+
Courage: 10+
Skill: 10+

Review by Beastbot

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