(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the Movie Swindle toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the Movie Swindle toy here.)
Camshaft here is a bit
of a G1 homage, having similar colors and a car alt mode just like the
G1 version of Camshaft. That's it as far as the homage goes, though. Even
though he's an Autobot, Camshaft keeps the "Decepticon drone" head that
Swindle had, which is a soulless-looking for a good guy. (Still, I do understand
that due to the transformation, a remolded normally-proportioned head would
have been out of the question.) Making gray the dominant color on a Transformer
has quite frankly been done to death by this point in the Movie toyline--
I wish the sweet silver used on the doors and hood was used on the entire
vehicle mode, as it looks a bit noticeable-- but there's so many different
colors on Camshaft that I don't really mind gray being the main color again
on this toy. He's got some really SWEET dark blue graphic designs on the
sides of his car mode, and in robot mode the dull reddish brown helps to
break up the gray even more than the black top on the car modd does. Camshaft
has the requisite "Allspark Power" electric blue on his form in robot mode--
on his lower arms, upper legs, chest, and head, and it all makes sure that
no place on Camshaft's form is too uniform in terms of its color scheme--
he's really got quite a few paint apps. Oddly enough, though, the color's
of a distinctly lighter shade of blue than the Allspark blue on the other
Allspark Power figures. It contrasts nicely with the reddish brown, but
not so much against the light gray. I am minorly bummed that the transparent
plastic on Camshaft is the exact same color that it was on the original
mold's use, as I feel that a deep blue would've worked better in its place
on this color, though the color used still goes fairly well with the other
No mold changes have
been made to Autobot Camshaft.
Movie Camshaft is a
great repaint, even if the head doesn't fit an Autobot very well. This
toy does a great job taking the overused "mostly gray" color scheme of
the movie line and really spicing it up by adding a whole mix of other
colors, from the Allspark light blue to dark blue to black to reddish brown.
It all comes together looking extremely well-done, particularly in robot
mode. Recommended over the relatively boring-looking Swindle.
Review by Beastbot