Evac (Movie)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: White, orange, dull gray, black, and some light electric blue, metallic silvery blue, transparent blue, and dull "cheese" yellow
Rating: 8.2

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the Movie Voyager Blackout toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the Movie Voyager Blackout toy here.)

    Evac's colors are appropriate for a Coast Guard rescue helicopter, with orange, white, and black being the main colors visible together. All three colors contast quite well together and catch the eye (as a rescue vehicle's colors should, obviously). The gray is a pretty dull shade, but an appropriately realistic one. One thing that's pretty cool about Evac's "number" markings on his sides-- "EV1015-07"-- is that if you take away the "EV", the numbers correspond to the date that the Transformers Movie DVD was released in the U.S.-- October 15th, 2007. The electric "Allspark Blue" color is revealed in robot mode, and there's quite a bit of it in proportion to most other Allspark Power toys, to the point where it's a main color in Evac's robot mode. It goes quite well against all of Evac's colors, though, so for such a light color it fits in very well (except blue paint on his gray waist, I don't think that looks too great-- at least it doesn't outright clash, though).
    Evac is a somewhat extensive remold of Blackout, as well. His robot head has been remolded completely, with a more Autobot-ish, less evil-looking facade. His head design actually sort of looks like a piece of diving suit headgear, which certainly fits his Coast Guard vehicle mode. In place of Blackout's tiny partner Scorponok, Evac has a lifeboat that flops out of the rear end of his helicopter mode instead, and which turns, ironically, into a handheld gun in robot mode. Quite an ingenious use of a lifeboat, I have to say. Evac's robot hands have also been remolded so that he can hold the lifeboat-gun in them, though other than the new "clenched" position of the hand it looks exactly like Blackout's three-fingered hand. Making it a five-fingered hand or something of the sort would have helped Evac look a bit more different from Blackout in that respect, I think. Other than these changes, no remolds have been made to Evac-- sadly, he still has the same misaligning gears and non-working "Automorph" feature that Blackout has.
    Evac is a nice repaint if you want something a bit more colorful than Blackout, or if you like rescue vehicles more than military-colored vehicles, but I'm not either of those. As such, I'd recommend Blackout over this toy, though there's nothing wrong with its colors and remolds perse, I just like Blackout's look and colors a little better.

Evac Bio:
When Evac received the transmission from Optimus Prime, inviting the surviving Autobots to Earth, he knew he was needed there immediately. The final battle against Megatron could only have resulted in massive damage to the world, which meant that his skills would be critical. As a rescue specialist, Evac has spent his life traveling from one disaster zone to the next, protecting and saving those he could. He is totally fearless, willing to risk anything to help his fellow sentient creatures.
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 5.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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