Incinerator (Movie)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Pale light gray, dark gray, light electric blue, and some black, gray, shiny royal purple, and clear plastic
Rating: 8.5

    Incinerator's vehicle mode is an osprey helicopter, nearly identical in form to the ospreys used in the opening scene of the movie-- that's right, apparently EVERY freaking vehicle in the movie was really a Transformer. The colors are a bit different, though-- for the most part they're a drab gray, which is realistic though a bit dull. A bit of metallic purple is also visible in this mode, which is a great secondary color, and the prerequisite "Allspark Power" electric blue is readily visible as well. As an accent color, the electric blue, the color works very well-- however, Incinerator simply has too much of it, particularly in robot mode. It meshes fairly well with the purple and dark, but it clashes with the light gray and ends up just not looking that great in robot mode. But I'm getting ahead of myself. In vehicle mode, Incinerator has a lot less of that Allspark blue showing, and the way the colors match up in general are pretty good. Giving Incinerator a stripe across the middle of his mode helps to liven up the color scheme slightly, as does putting a "Decepticon air force" insignia smack dab in the middle of his form. The mold detailing on Incinerator is excellent, even for a movie toy, with little panels visible everywhere. His clear-windowed cockpit even has two tiny little seats inside of it. The proportions are spot-on perfection, with the only caveat being that Incinerator's upper arms stick out a little from the undersides of the wings. Incinerator's gimmick involves his rotors-- by pushing the lever on the tail backward and releasing it, you can get both rotors to spin simultaneously. The rotors can rotate 360 degrees, which is pretty cool as well. And yes, the gimmick works even in robot mode no matter how you pose Incinerator, which is all the more impressive. Incinerator also has three fold-out landing gear on the bottom of this mode so he doesn't have to rest flat on the ground.
    Incinerator's transformation looks pretty simple, and for the most part it is, but getting all of the parts to lock into place in vehicle mode is quite a challenge, despite all appearances. In robot mode, Incinerator's overall proportions continue to be near-perfect, though a pretty big portion of his helicopter mode hangs off of his backside. It doesn't get in the way of any movement or throw off his balance, though it is very obviously kibble. The mold detailing on Incinerator is even more fantastic in this mode, especially on the shoulders, head, and the front and sides of his chest, which are just jam-packed with various mechanical details. I particularly like his head design-- it seems to be a mesh of a helicopter pilot's helmet design and the movie Decepticon "alien" face/mouth motif. Incinerator's articulation is also quite good-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at a whopping four points), elbows, hips (at two points), knees (at two points), and ankles. Regarding his overall design, the most common complaint I hear about Incinerator is that he doesn't have any real hands, just his propellers on the ends of his arms. I can see this, in a way, but it doesn't bother me all THAT much-- it's apparent that Incinerator was made for slicing-and-dicing, not typing on a keyboard. Still, that said, just including a huge in the middle of each propeller would have allowed the propellers to collapse around a central point and form three-clawed hands as well, which I think would've been easily doable. I'm also not found of how the various panels on his upper legs don't "lock into place" anywhere, and so can easily be moved around when you're playing with him. I do like the "fragmented vehicle" look they give to his legs, though, which definitely fits in with the movie aesthetic. Ditto regarding the rather ingenious way his cockpit splits in half automatically when you transform him.
    Incinerator is a pretty nice toy, though the lack of proper hands, a lot of back kibble in robot mode and too much of that Allspark electric blue do keep him from being downright A+ excellent. Recommended.

Incinerator Bio:
Since the end of the war and the destruction of Megatron, more and more individual Decepticons have been appearing on Earth, chasing rumors that their leader still lives. Most choose to remain hidden from the Autobots who have stayed behind to defend the world, but not Incinerator. He’s actively hunting AllSpark-enhanced Autobots, reasoning that one of them must know where Megatron is. When he catches an Autobot, Incinerator takes him on a little ride, swooping and diving dangerously, hovering over canyons and volcanoes, and generally terrifying whatever information he can out of his victim. When he’s done, he just finds the deepest hole he can and drops his helpless prey in.
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 4.0

Review by Beastbot

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