Landmine (Movie)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dull military green, black, light milky gray, dark dull military green, and some light electric blue, clear plastic, dull orange-yellow, silver, and red
Rating: 9.3

    Landmine's vehicle mode is a Sector 7 military buggy, and is incredibly accurate to the Sector 7 buggies that showed up in the movie, right down to the gas tanks in the rear of the vehicle. The amount of detail, where appropriate, really is incredible on Landmine-- little "rivets" on all the metal plates, heavy-duty tires, a roof-mounted grenade launcher (which can move at three seperate places)-- the works. There's even small seats inside, made from the robot mode hands, and his front tires have spring suspension! Unfortunately, little of it is actually brought out by Landmine's paint apps. For some reason Hasbro decided the paint budget would be better spend on FIVE different S7 emblems on the vehicle mode-- along with a few other emblems-- instead of just highlighting the details that were actually molded into the figure, which is a bit of a shame. At least Landmine's headlights and tailights are painted, otherwise he'd look almost prototypish due to his lack of paint in this mode. There's no robot extras to speak of in this mode, except for a few telltale hinges here and there.
    Landmine's robot mode is, for the most part, very cool-looking, and certainly very unique. He's got pretty humanoid proportions, but he has interesting claw-hands made out of the seats of his vehicle mode (which, honestly, look rather weird), and the wheels on the heels of his feet, combined with the mask over his four-eyed face, make him look like some kind of Transformer hockey player, and really adds some character to him. Using the gas cans as feet was also a stroke of genius, as well. All of the vehicle parts stay tucked away behind his back or on the outsides of his arms, and he has great articulation-- he can move at the neck, waist, hips (at two points), knees, shoulders (at two points), elbows, wrists, and at the base and midpoint of each finger-claw. So you can get a lot of cool poses out of him. Oh, and he's got some nice weaponry, as that grenade launcher from his vehicle mode becomes a hand-held weapon in this mode. Sometimes his tire-heels can become unpegged rather easily, which obviously messes with Landmine's stability some. Landmine is also one of the few Allspark Power toys where I really don't think the usage of Allspark "electric blue" is appropriate-- Landmine's color scheme is very dull yet realistic, and then all of a sudden BAM! light electric blue on a military vehicle. It just looks off, especially on the robot face, and clashes with the rest of the color scheme.
    Landmine is one of the best deluxe molds from the movie line, with a simple transformation yet a solid (if rather unpainted) alternate mode with great mold detailing and a very unique, "hockey-player-esque" robot mode. Some parts of his transformation are just plain ingenious, too, like the hands forming the vehicle seats and the gas cans forming the robot mode feet. Highly recommended.

Landmine Bio:
Brought to life by the AllSpark pulsewave released during the final battle against Megatron, Landmine is still learning what it means to be an Autobot. He is content, however, to continue his work with the humans of Sector 7, even while Ironhide trains him in the finer points of robot combat. He enjoys the excitement and intrigue of working as an agent in a super-secret organization. Knowing that what he does not only keeps the humans safe, but also protects his fellow Autobots brings him great gratification.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 4.0
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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