Autobot Ratchet [Legends] (Movie)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Moderately light jungle green, black, and some silver, red, and light metallic silvery blue
Rating: 4.8 (Initial release, pictured above); 4.6 (Later releases)*

    Legend Movie Ratchet's vehicle mode, while still fair for a toy of its teeny size, is a bit below-average when compared to the other Movie Legends' vehicle modes. There is a complete lack of a rear end to the ambulance mode, and the robot arms, which are folded up under the front half of this mode, don't mesh all that well with their surrounding parts and make Ratchet look a little skinnier in the front than he otherwise would have. Other than those two things, though, this mode is pretty good, with pretty nice proportions and a fair number of nicely-done paint apps (such as the red "heartbeat" line on the sides of the back half). I also like the green on this version of Ratchet better than on any other version of his movie self-- it's considerably less yellow and more of a solid, foilage-esque green, which I think just looks better than green with yellow mixed in. Ratchet is rather lacking in mold detailing in this mode, however-- there's just a bare minimum of it on his back half especially, where it really could use some more on the sides and roof.
    Ratchet's robot mode doesn't LOOK half bad, but it's mostly just a lot of robot mode detailing molded on the underside or inside of his vehicle parts, with little functional purpose-- Ratchet can only move at his shoulders (at two points) and ankles, and that's it. No other movement, due to his construction. Obviously, this greatly limits his playability in this mode, which is my biggest beef with him. Most of his vehicle mode extras do stay out of the way or complement the look of the mode, though, which is fairly rare among Legends figures. As mentioned earlier, he has quite a lot of mold detailing on his robot parts and it looks great, but he barely has any paint apps to show them off-- he really REALLY needs more paint apps in this mode, especially on his legs and lower chest. He also has rather noticeable square chunks of plastic hanging off the ends of his fists-- they're used as tabs to keep a few parts together in vehicle mode, but they look really odd in this mode as a result.
    Legend class Ratchet is one of the weaker Legends class figures, with a "just okay" vehicle mode and a robot mode that is extremely limited in its playability, even taking into account the limited budget and size that factor into these figures' limitations. I'd recommend you just pay another $15 or so and get the Voyager class Ratchet instead, unless you have a particular soft spot for really small Transformers.

Autobot Ratchet Tech Specs:
Strength: 4.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 3.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

*NOTE: Later releases of this toy had a slightly more yellowish, and therefore more movie-accurate, green. I don't think it looks as good at the green on the initial releases of this figure, though, hence the slightly lower rating.

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