Payload (Movie)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dark flat navy blue, light milky gray, and some metallic light teal, black, tinted clear plastic, dull orange, red, white, and silver
Rating: 8.0

    Payload, based off of a drone from the main console version of the Transformers Movie video game, has the alternate mode of a armored transport truck, like the kind you see transporting money to banks. This alternate mode is very convincing, with spot-on perfect proportions and absolutely no robot mode extras to speak of. The color scheme of dark blue and light gray isn't exactly exciting, but it certainly doesn't clash and looks quite realistic, which is sort of the point of the movie toyline. The "Armored Security Services" logos on the sides and the stripes down the front hood of this mode help to liven things up a little. Payload's myriad panels that comprise the main body of his vehicle mode to present a bit of a problem, though, as they intersect at several different angles and are rather obvious, making the main body look less "solid" than it otherwise would appear. This is particularly annoying around the aforementioned "Armored Security Services" logos, as the lines in between the pieces bisect the logo into not just two, but THREE parts, which is rather distracting. Another, much more minor, annoyance with this mode is that the front grill tends to pop off pretty easily. He's also pretty small for a deluxe, even taking into account that he's pretty compact in this mode.
    Payload's robot mode has the typical "Decepticon robot drone" face, which consists of a singular optic and little else. I rather like this drone style, and Payload is no exception. I also really like his skeletal fingers, they definitely make him look more evil. Overall, this mode is pretty good, though with a few downsides. For one, parts of the sides of his vehicle mode sit on his shoulders, and are rather unapologetically kibble. Plus, they don't really lock into a space, so they tend to wobble around a bit as you play with Payload. The piece that forms his upper chest and head pops off extremely easily-- the pegs that hold it to the lower chest are entirely too shallow-- and this can get rather annoying, needless to say. Payload's gimmick is EXTREMELY cool-- push forward on the pole extending from behind his body, and a HUGE (proportionally) capture claw will extend forward out of his stomach, ready to crush and/or suck the life out of unlucky Autobots! The downside to this gimmick is that this pole extends way, WAY behind Payload's actual back-- about twice the width of his actual body, to be more precise. It can lead to him getting a bit off-balance, it's so bad. His legs could stand to be a tad longer, but otherwise Payload's proportions are spot-on, and he's got pretty good articulation, too-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows, wrists, waist, hips, knees, and ankles. I like the addition of the metallic teal to the color scheme in this mode, it really helps Payload look more visually interesting. Plus, as you'd expect from a Movie toy, his robot parts are exquisitely detailed mold-wise, with gears and panels of metal everywhere.
    Payload has a somewhat dull, though well-proportioned, vehicle mode, and an excellent robot mode with a few minor kibble problems. Given his unique look and really awesome gimmick, though, I'd mildly recommend him to any Transfan looking for a fun $10 figure.

Payload Bio:
Two things are crucial to maintaining the Decepticon cause and the hunt for the AllSpark - energy and currency. Energy powers weapons and combat systems, and money allows the Decepticons to purchase modifications and integrate them into their bodies. Payload is tasked with seeing that Decepticon forces in need of either commodity get it on time and in full. He's armored and armed to plow through or destroy any Autobots that get in his way, and fast enough to outrun almost anything on the road.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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