Optimus Prime [Transformable Gift Card] (Movie) {Target Exclusive}
Card ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Price: Whatever you put on the card
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark blue, red, and some light bluish gray
Rating: 3.0

    Optimus Prime's alternate mode isn't a truck, or even a "gift card-shaped" truck. It's basically just his robot mode compressed so that none of the "robot-y" parts like the head or fists show. Certainly not particularly impressive, but hey, it only costs what amount you want to put on the gift card, it's essentially free, so you can't expect too much. He's got a basic color scheme of dark blue, red, and gray, though the colors actually contrast a little better than on many of the mainline Primes-- go figure. The flame paint apps on his legs and chest also look pretty darned cool, as well. (In case you're wondering, there's a bar code on the back of the toy that is used on the price scanner-- that's how he's a gift card.)
    Prime's robot mode, obviously, is an "uncompressed" version of his alternate mode. This is certainly a more substantial robot mode than Prime's rather odd-looking alternate mode, though it is extremely limited in articulation-- he can only move from side-to-side at the shoulders, wrists, and slightly at the knees. So if you're expecting a free gift card to be a fully articulated toy, sorry. He's also very, VERY two-dimensional, having almost no width to his form whatsoerver. His arms, legs, chest, head-- they're all extremely flat. Heck, his head doesn't actrually have any molded-in detailing on it, it's just a tampoed paint app combination on blank plastic. At least his proportions are fairly good from a front view, though.
    Gift Card Prime is a really cool idea, being a transformable gift card and all. He's not very impressive of a figure at all, but considering he's essentially free, one can't be too picky. I mean, the fact that he's a gift card that TRANSFORMS is sort of cooler than the actual toy itself. Not recommended if you have to actually spend a substantial amount of money on him, but if you see him at Target, by all means put a couple of bucks on him and get him, it's a pretty cool idea.

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Review by Beastbot

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