Stockade (Movie)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Black, dark transparent greenish blue, dark gray, and some silver, light milky gray, light electric blue, and light red
Rating: 9.4

    Stockade's vehicle mode is a minor variation on the Sector 7 SUVs seen in the movie, with just enough differences to avoid licensing issues. It still has the same general proportions and colors-- almost entirely black in this mode, with a few other colors as accents. There's just barely enough mold and paint detailing for me to give him the "okay" on this mode, with there being detailing on stuff like the door handles and front bumper, but not a whole lot of detailing on the top of the car or the back end, for instance (though the bright red tailights help give Stockade a bit of contrast back there). His windows are transparent, but there's no interior detailing, just visible robot parts on the inside. Luckily, the windows are dark enough for this not to be particularly obvious. On the plus side, though, the proportions for this mode are absolutely perfect, and there are ZERO robot extras-- it's a solid, well put-together alt mode.
    Stockade's vehicle mode may be great, but his robot mode is really what makes this toy stand out from others. Although he's still mostly black, a few lighter colors show through here, such as light gray and the "Allspark Power" electric blue-- both go quite well with their surronding colors and help make Stockade more visually interesting. His transformation is simple for a mainline toy, yet leaves this mode looking very, very different from his vehicle mode, which is always good in my book. His proportions are very unique, having a broad chest, huge, bulky arms, and comparatively short legs. He looks very much like a short but tough Decepticon thug. His head sculpt is particularly well-done, and given that his visor is eternally masked in shadow, it makes him look all the more evil. As expected, Stockade's "robot parts" have exceptional detailing, with tubs and armor plating and the like visible all over. I particularly like his his chest and lower legs have fake "car parts" molded into their design. Stockade's articulation is also quite good-- he can move at the neck, the shoulders (at two places), elbows (at two places), at the base of each of his two main fingers (his thumb can't move), and at the waist, hips, knees, and ankles. As for Stockade's gimmick, if you push back on the sliders on the back of either of his lower arms, his fists propel themselves forward in a fairly cool "punching" gimmick-- as it his arms weren't long enough! The only real complaints I have about Stockade's construction come down to the windows just hanging off his lower arms and shoulders and the panel behind his head, as they're just blatantly vehicle parts without contributing anything to the look of the mode.
    Stockade is a great, very distinct-looking mold all-around, with a few minor kibble parts in robot mode and a lack of general detailing in vehicle mode being his only real downsides. Highly recommended.

Stockade Bio:
Drawn to Earth by a Decepticon homing signal after the final battle for the AllSpark, Stockade quickly hooked up with Starscream and a few other surviving Decepticons. He's a simple guy, content to follow orders from whoever's in charge, as long as those orders involve kicking Autobot tailpipe. Back on Cybertron, he was an enforcer, threatening neutrals into staying neutral, and punishing those who seemed to have a problem with their audio receptors. With Starscream building a base of power on Earth, Stockade has more than enough work to keep him occupied.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 4.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 5.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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