Megatron [Voyager] (Movie)
Vehicle ModeVehicle Mode, Claw Wings ExtendedRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Light milky bluish gray, transparent icy blue, and some black, silver, metallic bronze, metallic icy blue, and tannish bronze (original); tannish brown, transparent orange, and some metallic bronze, black, and dark muddy brown ("Battle Over Mission City" Release)*
Rating: 6.1 (original); 6.3 ("Battle Over Mission City" Release)*

    Megatron's futuristic jet mode is similar in design to his Leader class toy, but with a very important difference-- Voyager Megatron has transparent blue "ice" bits all over him, like he's just broken out of his Hoover Dam prison. It's quite an interesting idea, and helps to differentiate him more from his Leader class toy than just being a different size. The ice pieces also help to give a bit more color to an otherwise pretty dull color scheme of gray and black with a little bit of bronze. The mold detailing on the ice pieces-- and the rest of the toy-- is EXTREMELY well-done, with practically every square centimeter of Megatron covered in either icy frozen detailing or sharp-looking "metal plating" detailing. His paint apps are also fairly well-done, with silver fade paint apps on the ice to give it a bit of a realistic "shiny" feel, and the few bronze paint apps really standing out well against their surrounding colors. Megatron also has a really cool gimmick that can be activated in this mode-- if you straighten out the ends of his wings, fold out the icy pieces on the ends of said wings, and then push back and forth on a lever at the back end of his vehicle mode, his wings sweep forwards and backwards like giant claws-- it looks REALLY cool. Megatron also has another, minor gimmick-- if you push in on the lower half of his middle nosecone, the plastic spring-loaded missile inside of it will fire. Unfortunately, there's one major downside to this mode-- it's a piece of crud.  It looks almost nothing like a convincing jet, futuristic or otherwise. The robot arms are VERY obvious on the sides of the nosecone, the robot head just sticks out from the front of the body with the chest-ice panel doing a very poor job of covering it up, the wings are way too short proportionally, there's a HUGE gap in between the top and bottom halves of the rear two-thirds of this mode, and it's incredibly obvious where the robot legs and waist are in this mode from any angle. There's very little about the actual design of the mode that appeals to me at all-- it just seems like Hasbro just can't get a good jet mode out of this Megatron design.
    Megatron's robot mode is much, MUCH better, just like on the Leader class toy, and is really what makes the toy. The proportions are pretty much spot-on perfect, and he definitely does look like the King of Evil, with his extremely well-detailed EVIL face and EVIL hands and EVIL jagged bits of "metal" molded everywhere. The ice bits on his chest, wings, shoulders, and lower legs, combined with the transparent light blue light piping used for his eyes, make him look like some kind of ice demon. The wings, being that they're smaller than they should be proportionally in vehicle mode, aren't overly large in this mode and tend to accentuate the mode rather than detract from it. The arm-cannon made out of the middle nosecone also looks pretty cool, as well. In addition, Megatron has excellent articluation-- he can move at the head, shoulders (at three points), elbows, at the base of his finger-claws on each hand (one claw can move by itself, the others move as one whole piece), the waist, the hips (at two points), the knees (at two points), and the ankles. Unfortunately, in one of the weirdest design decisions I've ever seen Hasbro make, Megatron's toes automatically snap together whenever he's not standing on something, and THERE'S NO WAY TO KEEP THEM FROM DOING THIS. So as soon as you lift off of a table, his feet snap together-- needless to say, it's very annoying, especially since there's nothing about the transformation that requires this. Indeed, because of the springs involved, it's actually MORE expensive for Hasbro to include this annoyance than simply leave the toes with normal, manual movement.
    Voyager-class Megatron has an excellent robot mode, and his transparent "icy" pieces are a nice idea to help differentiate him from Leader-class Megatron, but his vehicle mode is so incredibly poor I can't recommend him to anyone but the most die-hard Movie Megatron fans or completists. And even then, you may want to consider getting the Best Buy Exclusive "Premium Edition" of this mold instead, even if it costs you a little more, as its paint job makes it look MUCH better than this wide-released version.

Megatron (Voyager) Bio:
Megatron was made a monster. From the very day he first came online, his eye has been on a single goal – the domination of the universe. More than any of the other Transformers, he is a true robot – knowing no pain, pleasure or passion except that which leads him towards his destiny. To him, other beings are simply tools to be used until they are broken. Those that serve him well and long may find themselves rewarded, but the moment they fail, they will be discarded. Lying frozen for centuries has left him only that much more determined. He will be victorious, and those in his way are little more than stepping stones on his path to conquest.

Megatron (Battle Over Mission City) Bio:
Megatron perches on the rooftop of one Mission City's downtown skyscrapers, his rage giving him even greater strength than normal. In the grip of his clawed hands, Autobot Jazz struggles, slicing at the Decepticon leader's invulnerable armor with his secondary weapons. Thought the Autobot warrior fights valiantly, he is also hundreds of feet away from any source of help, well out of the range of his comrades' weapons. The results of a one-on-one confrontation with Megatron are all too inevitable. Even as he battles to stay alive, Autobot Jazz knows there is only one way this can end.

Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

*(NOTE: In addition to the normal release, as can be seen above, Voyager class Megatron was also repainted in a flame-colored paint job for the Target Exclusive "Battle Over Mission City" 2-pack, who was packed along with Final Battle Jazz. I like the flame job a bit better than the icy job, as I think the color scheme is a bit more visually interesting and a bit different from all the other ice-themed decoes of the various movie Megatron molds. Picture courtesy of Obvious Prime.)

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