Optimus Prime [Voyager] (Movie)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Dark flat blue, light dull gray, red, and some black, silver, transparent light blue, dark metallic silvery blue, and dull metallic bronze
Rating: 9.6 (original); 9.5 ("Freeway Brawl" version)*

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the Target Exclusive Robovision Optimus Prime. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Robovision Optimus Prime here.)

    Okay, so technically this mold was designed first and THEN Robovision Prime's paint scheme was decided afterwards, but Robovision Prime came out first, so hey, that's the way my reviews work. The differences between Robovision Prime and the mass-released version of Voyager class Optimus Prime are fairly minimal, to where it you weren't comparing both side-by-side, you wouldn't notice much of a difference. As a whole, this version of Optimus is duller and more realistic in his color scheme-- the red and blue are both noticeably darker than on his Robovision version. This version of Prime also has a few extra details on his robot bits, such as some extra blue detailing on his lower chest and upper legs that Robovision Prime lacks. On the other hand, Voyager class Prime does not had silver paint covering up nearly all of his grey parts like Robovision Prime does, and Robovision Prime also has a few extra flame paint apps in his vehicle mode, as well as a black matte paint app covering the rear section of his that mode.
    No mold changes have been made to Voyager class Optimus Prime.
    The mainline release is SLIGHTLY less impressive of a toy than Robovision Prime, in my opinion, primarily because he doesn't have that spiffy silver paint all over his grey parts. Which one I'd recommend more depends on what kind of a look you'd prefer from this toy; if you want a bright, more vibrant and metallic-looking Prime, then spring for Robovision Prime. But if you want a duller, more realistic-looking Prime, than this bot's the Prime for you.

Optimus Prime (Voyager) Bio:
Optimus Prime is defined by his optimistic outlook and the care he feels for his comrades and those they protect. Though he may seem grim when contemplating the battle ahead, he looks always ahead to victory, refusing to contemplate the slightest chance of defeat. This attitude informs all that he does, and infects the other Autobots as well, leading them all to approach each fight with absolute confidence in their ability to win. It is, in turn, this that proves to be their advantage in each and every engagement against the Decepticons, for in the face of superior numbers and fearsome weaponry, the Autobots never back down, never bend, and never break.

Optimus Prime (Freeway Brawl) Bio:
As the Autobots race to hide the AllSpark, the Decepticons close in. Bonecrusher catches up to the Autobot convoy on the freeway near Mission City, ruthlessly tearing through civilian traffic in an effort to reach the AllSpark before the Autobots can stop him. Sick of the carnage, Optimus Prime takes it on himself to stop the hulking Decepticon once and for all. He falls back, converts to robot mode, and dives into battle with his energy sword ready.

Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

*In addition to the normal release, Voyager Prime was also released in a Target Exclusive "Freeway Brawl" 2-pack with deluxe Bonecrusher. There were some slight changes to the paint deco, such as changing the light gray to more of a tannish color, but it was mostly still the same.

(Photos taken from Transformers.com.)

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