Wreckage (Movie)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: White, gray, milky moderately light gray, and some charcoal black, transparent cherry red, silver, light gray, and pale metallic gold
Rating: 9.0

    Wreckage's alternate mode is a military transport. (An interesting tidbit of info: Wreckage's design was initially going to be used in the movie, but was cut due to budget and time constraints. Hasbro already had the design for him done, though, so why not throw him into the movie toyline?) This mode is fairly good, with spot-on proportions and GREAT mold detailing all over the place. Tiny cockpit windows, vents, rivets-- they're all molded on Wreckage's vehicle mode in great detail. The problem is, though he's covered in paint apps, they don't correspond to the mold detailing-- instead, a gray "arctic camo" color scheme covers his entire form, with no paint apps being used to highlight things like vents or windows in this mode. The color scheme of white, gray, and a bit of red and black does look very nice, though, is fairly realistic while still giving the toy a unique enough color scheme to stand out from his wavemates, who are fairly dull-colored. There are some pretty obvious robot extras hidden on the bottom of this mode, which is my main problem with it. The robot arms and legs stand out a bit from behind the wheels that are supposed to "hide" the robot parts but don't do that great of a job.
    Wreckage's robot mode is EXCELLENT, with nary a complaint on my part. All of the vehicle mode extras either complement the look of the mode or stow away pretty well, so no downsides there. The only real problem with this mode is Wreckage's automorph feature-- as you push his vehicle mode gun through his chest, a large robot mode stomach cannon is revealed, and his chest flips down at the same time. Pretty cool, at least so far-- but unfortunately, there's no locking mechanism that keeps the automorph feature in robot mode. So if you don't hold down his chest while moving something on Wreckage that gives a bit of resistance-- like, say, his arms-- than his chest will partially flip up when you move him, which can get rather annoying. Wreckage's proportions are awesome, though, with some really great design work going into how his legs and head look, especially. In fact, his head actually looks quite a bit like G1 Megatron's, but with a more "toothy" mouth-- it looks far more like G1 Megatron's head than Movie Megatron, which makes one raise an eyebrow. He also has awesome articulation-- he can move at the head, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), wrists, waist, hips, knees (at two points), and ankles. So, minus sideways knee articulation, he has pretty much every point of movement that you could reasonably ask for on a figure of this size, and he can strike a TON of cool poses. Which brings me to arguably Wreckage's coolest feature-- he auto-flip-out wrist blades for slicing 'n dicing Autobrats. They don't really do anything other than flip out automatically if you push in a trigger, but they're DANGED cool-looking, like they're energy blades or something.
    Wreckage is an awesome figure, and it's a shame his design didn't make it into the movie. He's one of the better deluxes in the movie line, which is saying quite a lot, and has some great weaponry, proportions, and articulation. If it weren't for his automorph feature not locking and the rather obvious undercarriage kibble in vehicle mode, he'd earn a near-perfect score. I'd still highly recommend him regardless.

Wreckage Bio:
Just as Decepticon Brawl is the hot-blooded, indiscriminate destroyer among the Decepticons, Wreckage is the stone-cold fighter. Though he is as capable as any Decepticon of wholesale destruction, he carries twin blades for a reason. That is, he likes to be up close to his target. He lives to hear the shriek of metal on metal as his swords tear through Autobot armor, and the sparking sizzle of shorting electronics as wires and conduits are severed.
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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