Omega Prime (Combination of Optimus Prime [Super] and Ultra Magnus [Super])
Omega Prime (weapon not attached)Omega Prime (weapon attached)
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Gestalt (combination of one Super and part of another one)
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Hard
Japanese Name: God Fire Convoy
Color Scheme: White, red, chrome silver, chrome dark blue, dark gray, light gray, blue, light blue, silver, and some chrome gold, yellow, neon orange, light black, and transparent light blue
Mold History: Omega Prime was a completely new mold created for Car Robots (which subsequently became Robots in Disguise).
Rating: 8.0

    Omega Prime, as stated above, is a gestalt composed of the Super versions of Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime. It's sort of a souped-up version of Optimus Prime's "super" robot mode, actually; Optimus Prime's basic robot mode forms the main body, upon which parts of Ultra Magnus, which have been transformed into armor, are attached. Visually, this mode is very, very nice. There's details galore, and enough of a varied color scheme to please even the pickiest of Transfans. The gold Autobot symbol on his chest, along with its shiny silver and blue colors surrounding it, is the most eye-catching part of this toy, and is very nicely done. The extra flaps on the side of his large chest tend to stick out a bit, though, which is why I prefer to fold them onto his chest rather than folded out, as they are in the pictures above. He also stays together rather solidly in this mode- the only armor parts that tend to come off a bit easier than I'd like are his lower leg armor pieces, and that's only if you're picking him up and leaving his feet dangling. There's also plenty of articulation- just as much as they is in Optimus Prime's "super" robot mode, in fact, and then some. The feet can move easily, as can the upper legs, knees, elbows, thumbs, hands, head, and shoulders. However, this brings us to Omega Prime's only, but major, downfall- he has articulation, but NOT posability. Because he's so heavy, many of his joints simply don't hold him up that well, or stay veyy well in their set position. The only real solid, stable joints on Omega Prime are the ones in his upper legs. Because of this, he's mostly stuck in one pose in this mode- the one shown above, a battle-ready stance. He can't really kick or do any really cool movements with his arms because he's so heavy. And this really subtracts from the enjoyment of an otherwise cool toy.
    So, in review, Omega Prime is near-perfect in every area except his posability. Although it's his only major downfall, it's pretty noticeable, which is why I can't recommend him that much to those who like to pose their toys in cool positions.

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Review by Beastbot

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