Ultra Magnus (Super, Omega Prime Part) [RiD]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode (without guns)Robot Mode (with guns)
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Super
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Hard
Japanese Name: God Magnus
Color Scheme: Light gray, dark blue, light blue, light black, white, dark gray, red, chrome silver, and some chrome dark blue, bright yellow, neon orange, chrome gold, and transparent light blue
Mold History: Ultra Magnus was a completely new mold created for Car Robots (which subsequently became Robots in Disguise).
Rating: 6.9

    Vehicle mode is a car transport. This mode is one of the few alt modes created just for CR/RiD that isn't really a realistic one. This is a good or bad thing, depending on your preferences- for me, it's a good thing. This looks like a car transport all duped up for battle, and not like one you'd find driving along a highway. Besides the most obvious difference- the guns mounted on the back- the front cab portion is also slightly futuristic, with the upper portion slanted forwards a bit and the bottom portion slanted backwards a bit. The grill and front on Ultra Magnus is also much larger than it is on a typical car transport. Speaking of the grill, it looks REALLY nice, what with the chrome dark blue, silver, and the chrome gold Autobot symbol in the center. The dark blue chrome paint can ship a little easily, though, so be careful. The detailing on this toy is also pretty good for a vehicle. What is rather funny is that Ultra Magnus' back four wheels still have "God Magnus" imprinted on them. Heheh, ooops! Guess Hasbro forgot that detail! A really cool part to this mode is that Ultra Magnus can actually hold all three deluxe Car Brothers (X-Brawn, Prowl, and Side Burn) on him in this mode. Neat! The guns mounted on the back in this mode tend to come off a bit easier than I'd like, however. And the missiles fire a bit too easily- merely brush the trigger and they fire, so be careful. The Omega Prime head is also rather visible behind the transparent blue plastic used for the cab's windows. This mode is pretty darn good, but there's one big flaw in it that keeps me from playing with it too much- the gray "rails" on the sides don't stay in their pegs that well, and they almost continuously pop out while you're playing with it, effectively splitting this mode in too, since that's the only thing that really holds the back half to the front half. It gets REALLY annoying.
    Ultra Magnus' robot mode is a far cry from the very good vehicle mode. For one, his legs are rather long proportionally, and considering that the knees are very high up on the legs, it leaves some rather long, unarticulated "bars" for legs. His legs also aren't supported that well in the back, and because Ultra Magnus is a little back-heavy in this mode, this poses a big problem, and causes Ultra Magnus to fall on his back rather easily. The legs are also made up of the back part of the vehicle mode, which de-attached and reattaches during transformation. A rather cheap way out, that. Ultra Magnus' main body also doesn't look that good- there's quite a bit of empty space on both sides of his head between his chest, and his upper legs and waist are molded onto the same piece of plastic, so it gives him a "Hey, look, I'm a robot molded to the bottom of my vehicle mode!" look there, even though that's not really the case. The ball joints in his elbows are also rather weak, at least on mine, so he can't hold up his lower arms that well. At least he has electronics in this mode. By pressing a button his back, he'll "say" of these things:

- "Ultra Magnus, transform!"
- "Fire!" (followed by gunfire)

If you have his right button in between his chest and right arm pressed in by having one arm of his gun attached there, he emits laser sounds. Conversely, if you have his left button in between his chest and right arm pressed in by having one arm of his gun attached there, he emits machine gun sounds. And, if you have him combined into Omega Prime mode, he says, "Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus- combine!". Pretty cool, that he'll only say certain things in certain situations. However, the guns are so ludicrously huge in comparison to his main body that they're rather cumbersome, and obscure his whole upper body from a head-on view. And there's no other place to store them in robot mode, which is a bummer. One thing I like about Ultra Magnus' robot mode is his "jet pack" on his back, with parts of his car transport rails folded in half and arranged to form "wings". That's just plain cool. His face is also pretty nicely molded, and I love the transmetal gold eyes.
    Ultra Magnus splits into several parts and forms the armor attachments that to connect to Optimus Prime's regular robot mode to form Omega Prime.
    Ultra Magnus' vehicle mode is great, but his robot mode needs quite a bit of work. If you're going to get him, get him for his ability to combine into Omega Prime, or for his cool vehicle mode, but not for his robot mode.

Ultra Magnus Bio:
FUNCTION: Autobot Commander
MOTTO: "Let's hit the road, Autobots; we have a planet to save!"
Ultra Magnus changes into a transport truck and can carry Autobot warriors over long distances at incredible speed. He is a professional soldier loaded with fierce and fiery weapon, Blue Bolts. He can also fly with his turbo-charged, high-powered jet engine. He and Optimus Prime can join together to create a super-powerful force of strength and wisdom.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 9.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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