Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Mega
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Difficulty of Powerlinx Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Arctic white, dark flat navy blue, dull brownish gray, and some dull orange-red, transparent cherry red, silver, sparkly orange, glossy bluish white, dull sky blue, dull grayish white, and metallic brownish gray
Powerlinx ports: 2
Rating: 7.0

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Energon Jetfire. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Energon Jetfire here.)

    Overcast, overall, has a color scheme that I think surpasses his predecessor's a little bit. It's also a bit of a nod to Armada Powerlinx Jetfire, as the same overall color scheme is used here, although in a slightly less impressive manner. The various shades of blue, white, gray, and red go together pretty nicely, though when comparing him to Jetfire, I can't help but think that having white as a major color again is a tad redundant, even if the other colors are completely different. Most of his paint apps are also different, and there are more of them than on Jetfire, which is always a plus. And his robot head actually has *gasp* the EYES painted this time around-- they're under his visor, it turns out. His head still looks odd, though, as given where the eyes are positioned, the visor seems a bit low in comparison to them, and the forehead is too large. The overall paint design behind his cockpit is still the same (albeit in different colors), and I wish they'd have changed that, as it's one of the most noticeable paint apps on the toy. What DOES irk me about the paint apps, though, is that Overcast has some odd assymmetrical applications that definitely weren't intended to be that way. First off, one of Overcast's vents in front of his tailwing is silver; the other vent, right next to it, is bluish-white. And, on the back of one of Overcast's lower arms, it has a nice silver paint app with a few orange-red dots at the front; on the back of the other arm, however, no such paint apps are there, it's just a blank white. And finally, the gold Powerlinx symbol is nowhere to be found on Overcast. At first, I thought that maybe these paint apps were just messed up on the toy that I bought, but upon conversing with other Transfans, I found out that this is the case on all of the Overcasts! I don't know who was in charge if this major oversight, but it Hasbro really needs to crack down on quality control if something like this could happen.
    No mold changes have been made to Overcast, though the missile launcher trigger on mine is not NEARLY as touchy as it was on Jetfire, thank goodness.
    Overcast's color scheme is a step above Jetfire's, but his odd asymmetrical and/or missing paint apps really bother me, especially since they're on practically every Overcast released. If it wasn't for this, Overcast would have scored a few tenths of a point higher. But as it is, considering that Jetfire is on such severe discount now, you might just want to forgo Overcast and get Jetfire if you want one of the mold anyways, since Overcast, as he is, is only slightly better than Jetfire-- not nearly enough of an improvement to justify the extra $10-15 when compared to the discounted Jetfire.

Overcast Bio:
MOTTO: "We must fight alongside our enemy against a common threat."
Overcast is the long-lost brother of Jetfire and has been a loner for many eons, refusing to get involved in the conflict with the Decepticons. Overcast had a change of heart after witnessing the destruction of one of his favorite planets at the hands of Unicron. He then realized that this battle extends well beyond a simple conflict between Autobot and Decepticon. He has since joined his brother in battle against Megatron in order to avoid the potential revival of their common enemy. Like Jetfire, Overcast is a fast and powerful warrior whose impressive skills have served the Autobots well during battle with the Decepticons.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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