Autobot Jazz (Premium Edition) [Movie]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Black, metallic shiny silver, and some transparent aquamarine, milky gray, pale metallic greenish gold, light metallic silvery blue, light orangish yellow, cherry red, and dull metallic bronze
Rating: 8.6

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Movie Deluxe Jazz toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Movie Deluxe Jazz toy here.)

    Premium Jazz is what the toy should've been in the first place. I know, I know, the old "but they could've have put this many paint apps on a toy until it's been repainted enough times where they know they'll get their money back" arguement, which is valid enough. But honestly, having the toy coated in that incredibly eye-catching shade of metallic silver paint just bumps this toy up a HUGE notch. The original Jazz had boring, milky gray plastic, and looked dull. THIS Jazz, for the most part, just has silver in place of the gray, and looks AMAZING because he not only looks more like he did in the movie, but it just looks so much more realistic is just so SHINY. Only a few parts of Jazz-- mainly the parts that are very small or peg into place and thus undergo some rubbing during transformation-- are left milky gray. Every other piece of gray plastic on the toy has been coated in this fantastic silver sheen. It also makes the metallic bronze on Jazz look that much better. The transparent blue has also been changed to a more vibrant, aquamarine-ish color, which looks particularly good as Jazz's visor in robot mode. The light red on the original Jazz has been replaced with a bold cherry red color, which looks great as a highlight color, particularly on the taillights. And as if all this weren't enough, some pale metallic gold has also been added to a few parts on the legs, making him even more ridiculously good-looking. The fake tires on the sides of his feet are also actually painted this time as well, instead of just being left black. In addition, his rear car window, previous made of unpainted solid plastic, is now painted a silvery blue. (Jazz's black parts and most of his other paint apps have remained unaltered.)
    No mold changes have been made to Premium Jazz.
    Premium Jazz is an incredible upgrade to the original toy, even moreso considering that the overall color scheme has not changed, it's just been made metallic. Everything just fits so PERFECTLY together-- out of all the wide-release Premium toys, I'd recommend Jazz here the most, even if you have the original. He's just THAT good-looking.

Review by Beastbot

Second Opinion by VBBN

Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Rating: 8.0

    Premium Jazz is done in a shiny metallic silver paint, much like ROTF Sideswipe. He looks really nice in this color, and much more appealing to the eye than the old figure. Detail painting is also a deeper and more realistic color, and overall, this figure is far better than the original. My only complaint about the figure is that he comes with that extendo-jousting stick, which is a silly weapon if you ask me. My rating of 8 is .6 lower than Beastbot's for personal reasons, such as the weapon, mold, and I have never really liked silver color schemes all that much, save for chrome ones.

Review by VBBN

Premium Jazz Bio:
Just before coming to Earth, Autobot Jazz was badly damaged in a battle over a barren world in deep space. He doesn’t remember a lot of the fight, even before Decepticon Brawl offlined him, but he knows he was hurt really bad. Since that fight, he’s worked with Ironhide to upgrade his endoskeleton reinforcements, and he’s kept his vehicle mode absolutely pristine. Something about getting so badly damaged made him care even more than he used to about looking good.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 5.0

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