Barricade (Micro RC Racer) [Radio Shack Exclusive]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Spychanger-ish
Price: $15 (U.S.)
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, silver, and some white, red, and dark blue
Rating: 5.0

    Barricade's vehicle mode is very well-done for such a small scale-- probably the best-looking out of all the Micro RC Racer's vehicle modes, in fact. The proportions are perfect, and there's no robot extras visible whatsoever. There's also a pretty good amount of paint detailing-- all of the windows (except for the tiny side-rear windows) are painted a very nice shade of silver that goes very well with the black and white, and the police doors and siren lights are painted as well. Even the headlights, tail lights, and "Emergency 911 Response" and "643" logos are all painted on the toy, which I wasn't expecting for such a small toy. Barricade comes with a handheld gun-shaped remote controller which, when activated, can cause him to roll forwards and backwards in vehicle mode. When he backs up, however, he backs up at an angle, so he can do more than just go back and forth in a straight line. The controller itself is pretty cool-looking, with Barricade's main colors (but with more white) and a neat stylized version of his name imprinted on the top of the handle, along with a Decepticon symbol. He can also clip onto the top of the controller in car mode when it's not in use. Like the other RC Micro Racer Controllers, the tip of the controller can come off so it can double as a pen, which is also pretty darned creative.
    Like the other Micro RC Racers, Barricade's robot mode is very Spychanger-ish because of his very Spychanger-ish transformation and size-- as such, his large, wide chest and flat arms with hands just molded on the insides of them don't look all that great. His legs also barely extend from the main body, so he has almost no upper legs and this makes him look rather short, too. He also can only move back-and-forth at the shoulders, as far as articulation goes. Plus, he has no feet to speak of. What REALLY irks me about Barricade's robot mode, though, has to be the weirdest mold screw-up I've ever seen on a Transformer-- Barricade has Bumblebee's head! Oh, it's painted black-and-silver, but it is most definitely Bumblebee's head. The thing is, it's not just a cheap redeco of Micro RC Bumblebee with the vehicle form modified into a police car, as all the mold parts are different, and Micro RC Bumblebee's head is molded with his battle mask DOWN, but Barricade's "Bumblebee face" is molded with his battle mask UP! What the heck was going on when they designed THIS figure!? Such a huge screw up is simply unexcusable, even on a tiny toy such as this.
    Micro RC Barricade-- I'm sorry, Evil Bumblebee-- has an awesome vehicle mode, and his radio-control feature is pretty neat, but his face is Bumblebee's, not Barricade's, and for this to make it to the final product is just utter incompetence on the part of whoever was in charge of seeing this toy get out the door. Because of the rather unimpressive robot mode design, the wrong head, and the steep price for such a toy, I'd only recommend this toy for big-time completists.

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Review by Beastbot

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