Beast ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Bright pea green, purplish deep brown, gold, and some silver, flat purple, blue-green, orange-white, white, bright green, and red
Rating: 9.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Iguanus Transmetal 2. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Iguanus Transmetal 2 here.)

    This mold has a pretty nice color scheme, for the most part. The gold and purplish deep brown mix together nicely to create an almost "I'm bronzed" look to Reptilion. Like most of the beast Universe figures, though, what really stands out is the "Energon radiation" pattern- that purple and silver streak on his fins and leg look so. Freakin'. COOL. The gold and green are also on his fins, and look well in conglomeration with it as well. The only thing I do not like about Reptilion is his bright pea green. Even though green is certainly an appropriate color for a reptilian Transformer, it's TOO bright. At least two or three shades darker would have been easier on the eyes, and would have meshed together with the other colors a bit better as well. Plus, considering that none of the pea green parts have any paint apps on them while the other parts are full of them makes it look like Reptilion is part finished Transformer, part mismatched prototype. Odd.
    Reptilion has no mold changes.
    Reptilion is a really great mold with a very cool color scheme- but the pea green partially ruins the look it was going for. As such, I like Iguanus Transmetal 2's blue-and-orange color scheme slightly (and I reiterate slightly) better. If only that green wasn't so bright, it could've been better than its predecessor...

Reptilion Bio:
FUNCTION: Propulsion Specialist
MOTTO: "First class is the only way to travel."
With the appearance of a mad scientist's evil experiment and an intellect on par with the Autobot professor, Perceptor, Reptilion is the longest serving general under the influence of the monster planet, Unicron. Reptilion was snatched away from a routine exploratory mission and forced to work on the dark god's decimated planetary propulsion systems. His skills in propulsion technology were without peer and was oftentimes seen hard at work at developing more efficient forms of travel using warp gate technologies. In battle, he is able to use his experience and mathematical abilities to predict projectile trajectories, detonation constants, and simulate a variety of other combat calculations. Armed with long range tactical missiles capable of carrying a wide variety of warheads. Able to accurately calculate a target's position from thousands of kilometers away. Special vanadium armor plating withstands even the most severe blasts. It is particularly ironic that this once noted scholar has been corrupted by the influence of evil and uses his brilliant mind to subjugate the universe for his master.
Strength: 5.6
Intelligence: 9.1
Speed: 3.5
Endurance: 6.5
Rank: 9.0
Courage: 7.2
Fireblast: 8.3
Skill: 7.3

Review by Beastbot

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