Bumblebee (Energon Boost; 1-Step) [RID 2015]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Yellow and some black, light sky blue, and silver
Rating: 6.6

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original RID2015 1-step 2016 Bumblebee toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original RID2015 1-step 2016 Bumblebee here.)

    Welp, it's been half a year since the previous Bumblebee release in this size class, so time for a 'Bee redeco! "Energon Boost" Bumblebee, upon first look, looks to just be Bumblebee with light blue-- and to some extent, it is-- but there's more differences than that. For one, when comapred with the original version of this mold, the yellow is SLIGHTLY brighter-- just a shade or two, but noticeable. Black is also still quite present-- beyond black plastic being obviously used on the tires, and on the piece that is behind his shoulders in robot mode, there's also black paint on the front window in vehicle mode and on the waist in robot mode. As far as the blue goes, it's used on bits of the front hood (the diagonal details), as well as one the headlights, rear windows and vent-like details below them, and on the faux window-chest, eyes, center of his headcrest, and on some semi-decorative bits on his robot shoulders. All in all it's used rather profusely in robot mode in particular, and helps lighten up Bumblebee's scheme a bit compared to this mold's original color scheme. The shoulder paint apps look particularly good, and help set him apart at least a bit and give him a bit of a decorative flair. That said, having the front window black while the rear window is blue in vehicle mode looks rather weird. Additionally, these new blue paint apps come at a cost-- compared to original 2016 version, paint has been removed from the robot abs and center of the front vehicle grill. Bumblebee still has his head painted silver, at least, but other than that silver is nowhere to be found on this toy.
    No mold changes have been made to this version of Energon Boost Bumblebee.
    If you own the original version of the 2016 1-step changer, there's no real reason to get Energon Boost Bumblebee-- he's too similar, being still largely yellow and blue, with the only obvious difference being the addition of light blue to the color scheme. However, if you're trying to decide which version of this mold to get for RID2015, I'd recommend this one slightly more-- not only because the blue adds a bit different of a flair to 'Bee's usual "black/yellow/gray" color scheme, but I think the blue helps the color scheme pop a little more, and the pure black paint looks better than the charcoal black on the original 2016 release of this mold.

Review by Beastbot

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