Autobot Drift (3-Step) [RID 2015]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Bold orange, black, and some light milky gray, silver, moderately dark red, and moderately light blue
Rating: 8.7

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the RID2015 3-step Blizzard Strike Drift toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the RID2015 3-step Blizzard Strike Drift toy here.)

    Given the odd choice that the first release of this mold was in Drift's "Blizzard Strike" deco, you KNEW a regular version had to be coming, and here it is, roughly a year later. Since it's not a "themed" variant but a redeco into Drift's normal color scheme on an existing mold, there's not many surprises here. One thing I will say is that the orange plastic on this version of Drift is... not necessarily bright so much as BOLD-- it really pops, and stands out on any shelf, more than just a normal light orange would. It's a really good shade of the color. It makes the black contrast all the more against it-- on the wheels, the knees, the "belts" across his robot chest, his hands, lines on his shoulders, his windows, and on wide stripes on the grill-to-sides of his vehicle mode. Drift's somewhat dull dark red is used on the toy as well-- on the rear spoiler/feet, the faux robot antennae on his front grill (and the real robot antennae on his head), and on angled stripes on his car doors. He does, unfortunately, have some of that boring light milky gray plastic, but thankfully it's confined to his upper legs and upper arms, so it's a minor contributor to the overall scheme. There's also a bit of silver on his face, and moderately light blue on his headlights and eyes. (Sadly the back end of his vehicle mode is unpainted again, sans the spoiler.)
    Surprisingly, Drift DOES have a mold change-- the facesculpt has been changed so that instead of having his faceplate up, it's down now, with his familar trim "mustache and beard" look across his somewhat stern face. I kinda wish the "facial hair" had been painted black, but otherwise it looks good.
    The 3-step changer version of RID2015 Drift in his "normal" colors looks great, with really eye-catching orange contrasting excellently against all those black bits and stripes and most of his other, more minor, colors. The mold itself is a winner too, and fun to transform-- if you're looking for a simplified, show-accurate version of RID2015 Drift and don't mind the lack of articulation, this is easily my most recommended version. (That said, I like the Blizzard Strike scheme slightly better.)

Review by Beastbot

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