Bumblebee (Warrior) [RID 2015]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Yellow, black, transparent blue, light milky gray, and some silver, and moderately light blue
Rating: 8.3

    For his "regular" Warrior figure, Bumblebee's car mode has been replicated VERY close the show model. It's got a fairly low roof, but then again so does the show model; the proportions are pretty much perfect, with a long straight angular front hood, several diagonal points on the windows and top hood, and small pointy spoilers on the sides of the back. Other than seeing some of the robot chest and bits inside the transparent blue windows, there's no robot mode extras, which is always a big plus (the toy has an actual back end to the vehicle-- yay)! The mold detailing, as you'd expect from a RID2015 toy, is pretty sparse, with a few lines and "divots" in a few places like behind the rear window, and some nice "vents" on the front hood. The paint detailing is used on the two black stripes on the front to good effect, which both go down to surround the headlights, which are a nice shade of blue. Unfortunately there's not much paint otherwise (ignoring the yellow paint on the transparent blue windows to make them "blend in" with the surrounding yellow plastic-- speaking of which, the yellow paint matches the yellow plastic quite well, so no issues there). The taillights have no paint, and neither are there the show-accurate black stripes on the sides. Bumblebee's sword is stored on the underside of this mode, though it only connects at one point and it's long enough where it should connect at two, so it does "wobble" a little underneath.
    For robot mode, the rear portion and the car doors fold behind the main body, while the arms splay out a bit from the shoulders and the windows fold down to the front section and the whole fornt section rotates around to become the robot feet. As a whole, this is a pretty solid mode-- it's certainly quite accurate to the model, with the little side doors behind the back just like on the show model. That said, the rear section of the car mode hangs off his upper back and bulks it up a bit unnecessarily, and should fold down more and out of the way or something-- it makes him look back-heavy, even though he's relatively well-balanced in terms of weight. The windows on the back of the lower legs also don't look that great, and the upper legs are a bit too small proportionally. The "core" of this mode is excellent, though, with a well-proportioned chest and waist, shoulders and arms, and lower legs. I like how well the arms are proportioned in particular-- usually the lower arms can often be undersized, but here they're pretty nice. The feet and lower legs look pretty decent as well, though there's no heels so Bumblebee can fall backwards a bit more easily than I'd like. The head detailing is spot-on to the show, as is the "vest-like" detailing on the chest. The black paint is used to great effect throughout the robot mode to keep the colors mixed up. There is a little light milky gray on the upper legs, back, and connector parts that is rather blah, but it's not used much on parts that are easily visible. There's some silver on the face, but not really anywhere else. The transparent blue sword looks pretty good, but it really needed some paint along the handle-- being all transparent blue looks kinda weird. 'Bee's eyes are also transparent blue and set up for great light piping, but the fronts are actually painted OVER with light blue paint. Err... what? For articulation, Bumblebee can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), waist rotation, and movement at the hips, knees (at two points), and slightly forward at the ankles. Thus he's pretty poseable-- again, keeping the whole "no heels" thing in mind.
    Bumblebee's a pretty good Warrior class representation of the character in both modes, with only some minor extra issues in robot mode and missing some paint in vehicle mode. He's nothing spectacular, but he does the job, and is a recommendation if you want a toy of this version of the character.

Review by Beastbot

NOTE: Bumblebee also was packed in a Toys "R" Us-exclusive "Decepticon Island Showdown" set with warrior Steeljaw, along with some Decepticon Hunter weapons and a stasis pod that they can fit into. The toys themselves are unchanged from the mass releases, though.

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