Slipstream (Blizzard Strike) [RID 2015]
Disc ModeRobot ModeRobot Mode w/ Armor
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Mini-Con
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Glittery arctic blue, glittery dark dull navy blue, transparent fiery orange, and some silver and metallic blue
Rating: 6.2

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original RID2015 Slipstream toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original RID2015 Slipstream here.)

    Given that his "brother" Mini-Con and boss got a "Blizzard Strike" redeco, it's only proper that Slipstream gets one, too. For Slipstream here, it's a strict palette-swap, however; no new paint applications have been added, though none have been taken away, either. The red on the original has been replaced by a glittery arctic blue of a medium shade-- it's a pretty decent shade, though it's a bit lighter than the darker blue shade on his Blizzard Strike brethren, which I think is a bit of a missed opportuinity to make him and Jetstorm in particular "mesh" better together. The black on the original has been replaced with a very dark, dull navy blue, which contrasts fairly well with the medium blue. Both shades of blue have a bit of glitter in them, just like ice, which of course fits the whole theme of this redeco. It's also a nice way to keep Slipstream "in theme" with his buddies while being a bit different as well, what with a very dark blue in place of a lighter arctic-y blue on the others. As with the original Slipstream, the only paint apps on the toy are on the face, and they're mostly silver-- the face and the headcrest are painted silver, while the eyes are still metallic blue (and don't really stand out against the surrounding plastic). Unfortunately, Slipstream's armor bits are the exact same fiery orange shade as that on the original. Although from a stand-alone perspective the orange contrasts with the blues pretty well, it doesn't fit with the icy transparent armor of Blizzard Strike Jetstorm at all. Plus, it just makes a significant color of this version of Slipstream the same as on the original, which I think was a bad choice in terms of giving someone incentive to buy the mold again.
    No mold changes have been made to Blizzard Strike Slipstream.
    Blizzard Strike Slipstream is a decent redeco to go with the Blizzard Strike Drift w/ Jetstorm set to complete the trio, but a couple of opportunities were missed with this redeco-- specifically not changing the color of the armor, and not making the medium shade of blue the same as that on Drift & Jetstorm. Taken by itself, I'd just barely recommend this version more than the original, if you only want one.

Review by Beastbot

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