Optimus Prime (Clash; Warrior; RID 2015) [Toys "R Us Exclusive]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Moderately dark semi-metallic red, charcoal black, and some silver, glossy metallic black, blue, light milky gray, white, and light electric blue
Rating: 7.6

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original RID2015 warrior Optimus Prime toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original RID2015 warrior Optimus Prime here.)

    This redeco of Prime is meant to emulate his new "upgraded" form/remold from the Season 1 finale. Color-wise, there's some differences, though they're relatively minor compared to what you would consider a full blown "redeco", although they're not SO minor you could chalk this up to a "variant". The big color change is that the blue on the original has been changed to black-- a kind of charcoal-y black plastic, actually. This is one of the few times I think the charcoal-y version of the color looks better than a "pure" version of the color, just because this much black with this red would've been a bit too dull, but this makes it just a little bit more visually interesting. The red itself is mostly the same, but if you compare it to the original it's just a bit darker and more metallic-- the darker part I don't really care one way or the other about, but the glitter added to the plastic? Heck yeah, that looks pretty nice. The blah light milky gray plastic is sadly completely untouched and unchanged, but again, it's a fairly minor color, so it's not a huge deal. The black on the front windows and grill is a glossy metallic shade, which also looks minorly better. The headlights are no longer painted, however-- same with the axe blade. The stripes on the sides of the truck mode are changed a bit, with a silver stripe on top of the red diagonal bit on the front half, with the red pattern on the back half changed so it's not a solid line on the bottom but rather has two "indents" for whatever reason. The silver paint on his hips remains, though there's some nice silver on the abs and above his feet as well. The most obvious change in robot mode are the electric blue and white paint apps on the sides of the chest, which look really good but don't make Optimus look nearly as "powered up" as he should be-- it's just a small tiny area of the overall toy. He has a bit more white on his lower arms, but that doesn't add much. The head is pretty much the same as the original, with the blue plastic maybe just a SLIGHT shade darker.
    No mold changes have been made to "Clash" Optimus Prime.
    "Clash of the Transformers" warrior Optimus Prime is a bit disappointing in terms of representing the "upgraded form" of the character for the end of Season 1. Even just remolding the shoulders would've gone a long way, but with no remolding whatsoever it's basically Optimus Prime but with black. The only parts that really hint at his "powered up" form are the light blue/white bits on the sides of his chest and the slightly more intricate design of the stripes. If you really want a RID2015 Prime with black, here you go, but otherwise this isn't worth getting as it doesn't really represent his end-of-Season-1 design much at all.

Review by Beastbot

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