Divebomb (RID 2015)
Torpedo ModeRobot ModeRobot Mode w/ Armor
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Mini-Con
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Milky purple, semi-metallic fuchsia, transparent green, and some silver
Rating: 5.0

    Divebomb's torpedo mode is... well, a torpedo-shaped collapsed-in robot. I know that these are simple toys and some aspects of the robot mode are always going to be visible or obvious in these simple alt modes, but nearly everything except the head from robot mode is obvious. The front sections of the torpedo-- due to the way the legs connect together-- is pretty obviously the lower legs and toes of the robot mode, while the side sections of this mode are obviously the robot arms, especially since the fists are right there. Because of the coloration, the outline of the main body is also quite obvious in the middle-back of this mode, made even more obvious because of little gaps in between this section of the torpedo and the front and side sections. (From a more side-on view this isn't obvious, but from a top-down view it's REALLY obvious.) The colors on Divebomb are a fairly medium, milky purple, along with fuchsia that has a bit of glitter in it so it has a nice semi-metallic shade to it. These are both certainly Decepticon-y colors, and they both contrast and complement each other quite well. Unfortunately, that's it as far as colors in this mode, and there's no paint visible at all. I do like the rather angular mold detailing, though, particularly on the front section, though there's plenty of spiky bits near the back. There's also some pistons and mechanical details on the arms and body, and they look pretty good and intricate, especially by RID2015 standards.
    To transform Divebomb to robot mode, you just push his legs apart and the rest auto-transforms (except for the feet, which you have to flip out manually). Given that so much of his robot mode is obvious in torpedo mode, this mode ends up being largely the same in its look, just a bit more "spread-out". I do love the angled-out hands, like he's ready to pounce, but his upper legs are molded at such a weird angle it makes it look like he's broken his legs with such a wide-angled stance. The head is visible in this mode, which-- like much of Divebomb-- has large angular crests on the head, along with a relatively tiny face with the only paint on this toy-- he's got a silver face, with fuchsia/red eyes and an evil little confident smirk. He's got some nice triangular claws molded onto his hands, too, so he looks like he could cut you. The fuchsia bits behind his head are a little bit of an eyesore, though, as they don't really serve much of a purpose and make him look unnecessarily hunch-backed when I don't think he's meant to be to that extent. Like most other Mini-Cons, unfortunately Divebomb can't move at all in this mode-- the pose above is it. Divebomb's armor bits are transparent green, which is a pretty nice shade and contrasts against Divebomb's darker colors EXTREMELY well. Most of these armor bits add even more spiky bits to Divebomb, with chest armor (along with a connected fold-down mask piece) and spiky knee pieces, as well as large scythe-like pieces that peg behind his lower arms and guns that can fit in each of his fist holes (I wish he could point them forward...). All in all, they definitely make Divebomb look more eeevil and are a great addition, like most Mini-Con armor. (All armor pieces can fit on Divebomb in torpedo mode.)
    Divebomb is pretty average for a Mini-Con. My main issue with him is he doesn't make for a very convincing torpedo-- nearly all of his parts are just visible right there, just in a torpedo-ish shape. In robot mode there's a couple of extra bits behind his head and his legs are at an odd angle, but otherwise it's quite good, his armor pieces really add a lot to his robot mode, and his color scheme is fairly good. He's one of the few torpedo Mini-Cons actually on the show, so if you want a toy of him and like the gimmick this is an easy buy for such a cheap price, but temper your expectations.

Review by Beastbot

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