Fixit (Legion) [RID 2015]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legion
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Orange, moderately light milky gray, and some metallic bronze, black, silver, white, and blue
Rating: 6.1

    Fixit's alternate mode is-- just like with the 1-step changer-- a driller kinda thing that is pretty obviously his robot mode with the front section rotated down and forward. The back wheels are a bit bigger proportionally on this version which looks pretty good, and the arms from robot mode make for pretty convincing drills in the front given that... well... they are drills. The rest of the mode is very obviously just Hasbro trying to get an alt mode out of a character designed with none in mind (especially since Fixit has no alt mode on the show). I mean, the "body" of this mode is just the body of the robot mode, with the face folded up into the helmet so it's not as obvious. (That said, having the "cap" of Fixit's robot mode just sticking out there above the wheels looks pretty weird, too.) Fixit's color scheme of gray and orange is intact on this toy, with the gray a bit darker than usual (but still not quite as dark that I'd call it "medium"). It's a pretty okay scheme, with nothing being out-of-place, but nothing really sticking out, either. I do rather like the metallic bronze paint on the stripes behind the drills and on the upper waist, as it serves as a nice complementary color to the orange. There's also a bit of black on Fixit's "spike" in the middle of his helmet. I wish there was some paint on the taillights on this mode, as those little bumps are one of the VERY few mold details on this toy are that are unpainted. (It's fairly sparse even for a RID2015 toy, which makes it look pretty cartoony and "cute"-- which admittedly fits Fixit). Plus, the back end is rather hollow and neglected, so it could've used a bit of paint.
    Fixit's transformation is blatantly obvious, as mentioned before-- just rotate the body up and then flip down his face. He's actually one of the tallest Legion figures, but if you put him next to, say, a 3-step changer, he's pretty show-accurate in terms of scale. This mode very accurately replicates Fixit's show model, with no extras from vehicle mode whatsoever. (One could argue the drill-hands are extras instead of there being actual hands that could flip out, but Fixit HAS used drill hands in the show.) He's got a rather slim, trim main body with the chest just as wide as the waist, with wheels for feet that are fitted with rims that make them look very "wheelchair-like". He's got a fairly cute, accurate headsculpt with a silver face, circular blue eyes, and a happy white angular mouth. There's also some silver paint on the lower body that's only visible in this mode, to help break up all the orange near the bottom. For articulation, Fixit can move at the neck (at two points), shoulders, elbows, rotation at the waist, and slight up-down movement at the waist, too. I mean, considering that the shoulders and elbows are ball joints, this is about as much articulation as you could reasonably expect on him-- which is all the more impressive since it's a Legion figure.
    If you want a Fixit figure, this is my recommendation for pretty much everyone unless you're getting one for a really young kid who you don't think can handle even simple transformations on small figures. His alt mode's extraordinarily weak, but unfortunately that's just part of his design. The robot mode is amazingly show-accurate, in scale with the larger RID figures, and has excellent articulation and proportions. Even if you're not into Legion-scale figures, if you like the RID show this is a recommended purchase to complete the core cast.

Review by Beastbot

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