Galvatronus [RID 2015]

Allegiances: Decepticon
Size: Combiner Set
Overall Rating: 4.5

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Moderately light milky semi-metallic blue, milky moderately dark blue, and some metallic silvery blue, forest green, red, silver, and light milky brownish gray
Individual Rating: 3.6

    Apparently Hasbro mixed up Cyberwarp's colors with Skyjack's, as despite the fact Cyberwarp in the show has yellow, here she has green (you can tell by the facesculpt which mold is which). Anyways, Cyberwarp's alternate mode is a very unique VTOL hovercraft, not really looking much like anything on Earth. The middle section has a small spoiler, a very sloped bulbous portion which someone could theoretically ride in if certain details were painted to make it look more like there were windows there, and a sort of angular "shovel" piece on the front. Meanwhile, the sides have hoverfans molded into the top, and a spike on each side to give the toy a bit more offensive of a look to it. Although not particularly intricately detailed, Cyberwarp has more than your average RID2015 toy, with vents, some aerodynamic lines, and the like over most of this mode. As far as extras, it's kinda hard to tell what counts as robot "kibble" in this mode since it's such an alien mode, but on the back end you can clearly see Cyberwarp's upper legs and waist behind the body of the vehicle mode; it doesn't really have a "back end" in that respect. For colors, Cyberwarp is almost entirely blue; the main body and front "shovel" are mostly a somewhat light blue, with quite a lot of glitter in it that gives it a nice semi-metallic sheen against the light. The side sections and fans are a darker milky blue, providing enough color difference for some contrast and complementation at the same time, though I think making the shades even greater in contrast would've worked better. There's some metallic silvery blue used on the spikes on the front, and some forest green applied to the sides of the body so Cyberwarp at least gets in one major different color; that said, I think the green could've been lighter for better contrast. She does have a port right in front of the rear spoiler for you to plug in a Mini-Con Weaponizer or weapon with a similarly-sized handle, for some firepower if you wish.
    To transform Cyberwarp, the sides fold out and back to become the arms, the body rotates down to become the legs, and the shovel portion rotates back to reveal her head. The end result is a surprisingly tall figure given the size of the vehicle mode. Her individual robot mode is rather funky-looking, but I am glad it's not totally just molded onto the bottom of the vehicle mode like many other Combiner Set limbs. Her main body certainly is, with a fairly round chest and some stylized  ridged details down the center into the waist. Her head has an almost "crown-like" feel to it, with five points to her helmet, and a "normal" silver face with red eyes and a mad look on her face (which is interesting, given she's the "traitor" of the group that gives into the good guys). The headsculpt itself looks decent, but there's a big shovel behind and above that's kind of difficult to ignore-- it just looks bad, and is my least favorite part of this mode. Her legs are made of the curvy central section of her vehicle mode, and for the most look pretty proportionally good-- it's just they're molded together, so no individual leg movement or anything like that. The arms are made from the fans, and could look better-- there's no robot hands molded into the fans at all, so between that and having lower arms substantially larger and flatter than her tiny skinny shoulders and upper arms, it makes it look like she has on big foam pads over her actual hands, like large mittens without a thumb. As you'd expect, the colors are mostly the same in this mode, though the dark blue is a bit less prevalent. Her upper legs are a rather blah shade of light milky brown, but at least that shade isn't used much. Beyond the face and the green on the shoulders, there isn't any paint in this mode that isn't carried over from the vehicle mode-- and she really needed some paint on those details on her chest, to break up all the light blue. For articulation, she can move front-to-back at the hips and knees, and her shoulders are on ball joints. It ain't much, but it's still better than most Combiner Set appendage bots' articulation.

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Very dark purple, light milky brownish gray, and some charcoal black, silver, red, and metallic purple
Individual Rating: 6.5

    Cyclonus' alternate mode of a highly futuristic jet/spacecraft is kept for his RID2015 version, but it's a bit more square in certain aspects. For example, instead of narrowing to a point, the whole nosecone-- which is even LONGER overall prportionally than Cyclonus' traditionally has been, by the by-- is rather rectangular, with it not really coming to a point at the end but rather a somewhat curvy nub, with little "headlights" even molded into the front. The cockpit itself barely rises above the surrounding area at all, making it difficult to see how anyone inside Cyclonus' cockpit could actually see out of that thing. The front half of the nosecone is pretty solid, but the back half has the legs somewhat obviously on the side (especially since they're colored light gray), with a gap in the side near where it meets the body of this mode-- that portion doesn't look too great. The wings on Cyclonus are nice and long, with multiple points on each, really making it look like he can shred some enemies just by flying into them. There's some small tailfins, and you can plug in a surprisingly detailed gun (in terms of the mold) onto his top side to give him lots of firepower in this mode. I mean, this gun has circuitry lines, tech bits, an ammo clip, and quite a lot of stuff molded into it-- too bad he can only hold it in this mode and not robot mode (it's largely meant for the combined mode). Unfortunately, there's some pretty obvious kibble below Cyclonus wings, and that's much of his robot arms and shoulders-- the top of the shoulders follow the line of the front of his wings, even though they stick out at the bottom, but the rest of the arms are incredibly obvious and ruin the sleekness of the back end, though at least panels from the arms form those tailfin bits. Outside of the gun, the mold detailing is fairly sparse, as per the RID2015 usual, but there are some panel lines on the wings and some tech-like stylized details on the nosecone. The color scheme is almost entirely a very dark purple in this mode-- much more dark and it'd be black! There is some charcoal black on his cockpit window and a few other minor parts, but they contrast with the purple so little they're barely noticeable. There's bits of a bland light milky brownish gray on the sides of the cockpit and below the wings-- they do contrast with the purple, but it's a blah color and it really doesn't look that good. At least his main dark purple color DOES look good, even if there's too much of it. Oh, and Cyclonus does have an additional port right behind his cockpit, in case you want to atttach a Mini-Con Weaponizer (or weapon with a similarly-sized port) on top for some additional weaponry in this mode.
    To transform Cyclonus, you separate his nosecone into his legs, fold back the wings a bit, then rotate his waist around and rotate the arm kibble down to become... well.. his arms. The resulting individual robot mode is, as is the case with basically every Combiner set individual robot, the toy's weakest mode. Cyclonus' shoulders are too high, and he has no hands at all, just the end of the combiner clips on his lower arms. His body and especially waist and thighs are a bit too wide for a normally slender guy like Cyclonus-- a side effect of the waist and upper legs forming the same portions of the combined form, unfortunately. The wings kind of hang off Cyclonus' back-- I wish they could fold up a bit more, as they are quite long, but they're not a huge deal as they do enhance his silhouette a bit. The top section of his nosecone just hangs behind his butt and doesn't look all that great, and the tailfin panels on the back of his lower arms don't lock in place and are a minor annoyance as well. His headsculpt is pretty Cyclonus-y, with long anteanne "ear" spikes and an almost-as-long forehead spike coming out of the center, with purple armor around his silver face with red eyes and wicked-looking jagged eyebrows above said eyes. It's a pretty cool headsculpt, though just casually brushing the black button on his chest will cause the combined head & upper chest to flip up on top of it, which is kind of annoying. The chest details themselves are fairly minimal, withs some basic pec and ab details, but nothing all that impressive since it has to be fairly flat for the other modes. There are some RID2015-usual angular divots on the shoulders and some minor spikes on the feet and lower legs, but overall the rest of Cyclonus isn't detailed nearly as impressively as his head. As for his color cheme, the light gray is a bit more apparent in this mode, and there are some (relatively) lighter metallic purple lines on his lower arms that I wish were used a LOT more on the toy. Still, even though I'm not a fan of the gray, I can't deny it breaks up the purple better in this mode than in vehicle mode and makes him substantially less "one-tone". For articulation in this mode, Cyclonus can move at the shoulders (at three points), side-to-side at the elbows and hips, rotation at the knees (but not the ability to bend), and slight ankle movement. Overall a bit disappointing excepting the shoulders, especially since there's nothing in his transformation that prevents more articulation from being present.

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark milky purple and some black, silver, dark blue, and red
Individual Rating: 2.6

    Riotgear continues his teammates' schtick of having a VERY Cybertronian vehicle mode. It looks like a curvy but tough off-road vehicle. His details are somewhat streamlined, with a curved central segment, a blockier section in the back, and front wheels on what appear to be long shock absorbers that come from the back end. Kind of like a Cybertronian dune buggy-- if there's such a thing as Cybertronian dunes. As far as robot parts go, there's none EASILY visible from this mode, unless you look at the back end-- since there really IS no back end to Riotgear, just a mostly hollow bit with the robot feet on the bottom, made more obvious by the fact it's dark blue. The cockpit has some pretty cool-looking ridged details on it, with some angular "rear view mirrors" on the sides, and there's some circular "plug"-like details on the sides. The wheels are, of course, treaded, and there's some basic angular shapes on the back end. As for colors, in this mode Riotgear is almost entirely a dark purple-- not quite as dark as Cyclonus' purple, but still darker and a bit milky in shade. His tires are, of course, black, and he's got red lines running down the central portion of this mode, and his "rear view mirrors" are painted red to boot, giving him at least some contrast in this mode.
    It's hard to imagine Riotgear's transformation being simpler-- just stand him up on his back end and angle out his arms a bit at the shoulders. (And speaking of, that's his only articulation in this mode-- his shoulders can move in-and-out slightly. Sorry, there's no articulated version of this design you can get.) As with most of these simplified Combiner limbs, Riotgear's robot mode is basically just molded onto the bottom of his vehicle mode. It's not nearly as buff-looking as his show model, and he doesn't have a gun over his shoulder, but given the low parts count he still looks okay. His legs have fairly large angular kneecaps and boot-like feet, and are the part of Riotgear that suffers the worst proportionally in this mode-- they're too short, almost laughably so. His chest details are elongated, but not as obviously as his feet are squished up-- with as with most RID2015 designs, it looks like the crumpled front of his vehicle mode. Riotgear's got some fairly genetic ab and waist details, and some fairly round-looking arms with generic hands and elbows molded into the bottom section, with his large wheels taking up the shoulder sections. His headsculpt is decent, with a "normal" face and eyes, but with a strong chinguard, a forehead vent, and little bits sticking out of the sides of his forehead, making his otherwise round head look almost like he has a "cap" on. The dark blue plastic of his lower legs adds a bit more contrast to this mode, and there's some silver on his waist and face, with some red on his eyes and on two stripes on his chest-- overall, this helps break up the dark purple noticeably more than in vehicle mode.

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Moderately light milky semi-metallic blue, milky moderately dark blue, and some metallic silvery blue, yellow, red, silver, and light milky brownish gray
Individual Rating: 3.7

    I don't have much to say about Skyjack-- it's Cyberwarp, but with all of the forest green replaced with yellow. Otherwise, all the paint apps and plastic colors are the same. There is one mold change, though, and that's to the head. Skyjack still has the "normal" silver face and red eyes of Cyberwarp, but her "helmet" is three-pronged, with a larger forehead crest and smaller side crests that sweep out from the center. Unlike Cyberwarp, her expression is more neutral, which makes me wonder just how often Hasbro mixed up these two in the toys and fiction before coming out with the final product... Anyways, I think the yellow contrasts against the blue a bit better than Cyberwarp's green, so I'm giving Skyjack a SLIGHTLY higher rating than her mold-mate.

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark milky purple and some black, silver, dark blue, forest green, and red
Individual Rating: 2.6

    There's ALSO not much I can say about Treadshock. Following in the lead of Skyjack compared to Cyberwarp, he's nearly exactly the same as Riotgear-- color layout and all-- but instead of red stripes down his vehicle mode and chest, he's got forest green stripes. He still has some red, but only on the eyes of his face, which is the only different mold change. For Treadshock, he has a more angular head design, with a center and two side antennae sticking out from his forehead. He's got a "normal" face and eyes like Riotgear, but his chinguard isn't quite as large. Overall, like with Skyjack, I don't see Treadshock as substantially better or worse than Riotgear, just slightly different-- the green looks just as good against the purple as the red does.

Galvatronus (Combined Form)

Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Individual Rating: 8.0

    Galvatronus' combined mode is, like the other Combiner Force full-fledged combiner sets, the star of the show. The body is very much like a beefed up Cyclonus, including the headsculpt-- the head doesn't really take into account any of the other members' heads, and just looks like Cyclonus with his side horns not as long, the "crown" in the middle of his head elongated, and his head in general beefed up. There's some silver on his face, some red on his eyes, and some metallic purple in the center of his forehead-- and unfortunately that's all the paint apps you're going to get exclusive to this mode, everything else is taken from the individual toys' other modes. Galvatronus has a stocky main body with very wide shoulders, similar to Menasor but more curvy. Cyclonus' wings stick out a bit from the back and shoulders, but given how only the relatively skinny, angular bits stick out, I think it actually enhances Galvatronus' silhouette, overall. Cyberwarp and Skyjack form decent shoulders, but the hands are rather questionable, with large fans below the thumbs and fingers that extend entirely too long given the thumb length. They look like weird claw-things as opposed to actual, normal hands like he has on the show. The upper legs are made from Cyclonus' upper legs, and they peg into Riotgear and Treadshock to become the legs in a manner basically identical to Menasor's legs, with the front ends of Riotgear and Treadshock's vehicle modes forming the feet, and the back sections forming the lower legs. The kneecaps are a bit TOO obviously the details for Riotgear and Treadshock's individual lower legs, but otherwise they make for mighty fine legs overall. Given how that Cyberwarp and Skyjack's colors are the same minus one color change-- and the same with Riotgear and Treadshock's color schemes-- Galvatronus ends up with a pretty unified scheme. His body and legs aren't the same shade of purple, but they're close enough, and the arms' blue gives the toy a bit lighter of a main color as well. Some darker blue is shared between the arms and the kneecaps to help pull them together, of course, and there's a bit of light gray plastic on the middle arms and upper legs-- blah, but at least it's not used much. Black is used little, mostly just on the tires of the legs, the waist, and around the connector ports on the shoulders. Galvatronus can hold his gun in one of his hands, of course, or it can be pegged in behind his back if you don't want him actively holding it. For articulation, Galvatronus can move back-and-forth at the shoulders, side-to-side (at two points) at each elbow, and the four fingers on hand can also move in-and-out (as one piece, all four are connected). His hips can move side-to-side but unfortunately not forward, and he has ankle tilts as well. Better than the other RID2015 Combiner Sets, but he still leaves a bit to be desired, especially at the hips.

    There's still plenty of problems with Galvatronus-- lack of articulation, lots of unpainted details, some weird proportions for the individual 'bots, way too little paint-- but these problems exist with the other two RID2015 Combiner sets. Overall, despite the fact that Riotgear/Treadshock and Skyjack/Cyberwarp are barely different from each other, I'd recommend this Combiner set the most because overall the designs are still the best, despite their many flaws. Cyberwarp and Skyjack are the best appendage-bots from any Combiner set, Cyclonus is the best torso-bot out of the Combiner sets, and Galvatronus combined looks nice and balanced with some pretty good proportions, not looking too stiff. Riotgear and Treadshock are the only bots that are on par with the other appendage-bots in the Combiner sets. Plus, I will admit I like some good Cybertronian alt modes. This set is still faaar from a recommendation, but if you're only going to get one Combiner set I'd make it this one.

Reviews by Beastbot

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