Grimlock (Legion) [RID 2015]
Beast ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legion
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, green, and some silver, light metallic silvery blue, and dull goldish brown
Rating: 7.8

    Grimlock's t-rex mode is fairly well-done-- compared to the show his body could be a bit chunkier, but given the transformation this wouldn't be possible without an inaccurate robot mode, so... lesser of two evils, I suppose. (The bottom of Grimlock's stomach in this mode forms the chest of the robot mode.) There's BASICALLY no robot mode extras in this mode, though if you look straight-on from the front you can see Grimlock's robot face in front of the underside of the tail. However, from annny other angle you can't see it, and given that you usually see toys this small from above, this is a very minor extra at best. The mold detailing is fairly good and show-accurate for the most part, with the appropriate divots, lines, and the like everywhere they're required, though the t-rex head detaliing is a bit mushy, probably because it has to split in two even at this small scale for the transformation, so something's got to give, I guess. Grimlock's got his usual main color scheme of black and green, with a couple of colors of his head-- silver for the upper lip and teeth, light silvery blue for the eyes, and a dull gold-brown for the head crest. It's definitely less metallic or bronze-ish than the head crest on most of the other RID Grimlock toys, which is a little unfortunate if you ask me. There's some black paint on the hips and dino feet, but the t-rex arms are unfortunately left all-black, which is a bit of an oversight even at this small scale. As far as articulation-- in this mode Grimlock can move back-and-forth at the shoulders and hips. Unfortunately no knee articulation, which can make some of his t-rex poses a little awkward.
    Grimlock's transformation is pretty cool, yet still adequately simple for the Legion class size. Obviously the dino legs become the arms, and the dino tail simply folds behind the upper back, but the entire main body slides down on a rotating hinge to reveal the upper legs while those sections themselves becomes the lower legs. It's one motion but still quite cool. The end result is a surprisingly strong Grimlock for such a tiny size, given his usual look. The only real issue here is that the tail does stick out pretty obviously behind Grimlock's upper back, but the chest is very well-sculpted, the arms are nice, solid, and beefy like Grimlock's should be, and the legs are generally solid, though the downside of the awesome transformation is that the t-rex arms hang off the sides of the lower legs. The green and black is broken up fairly well on Grimlock in this mode as well, though a few black paint apps on his hands or some green paint apps on his lower legs would've helped a bit more. The green on the chest is done pretty well, though, and the headsculpt has the same dull goldish brown from the t-rex head crest on the faceplate and light metallic silvery blue on the eyes. Unlike most of his toys, however, this version of Grimlock has a more "G1-ish" sculpt, with a faceplate and a visor instead of separate eyes and a mouth. For articulation, Grimlock can move at his shoulders and hips-- also, due to the transformation, the lower legs can angle inwards and outwards a bit to make his feet flush with the ground.
    RID2015 legion Grimlock is a pretty good design of the character in both modes, with only some minor extras and missing paint apps being remotely noteworthy issues. Plus, his transformation is so different from most of his toys I'd recommend this more than most other RID2015 Grimlock toys. It's just a solid, fairly unique design all around-- recommended.

Review by Beastbot

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