Starscream (Legion) [RID 2015]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Legion
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light milky gray, dull teal, dark pale red, and some moderately dark pale blue, light yellowish orange, silver, and black
Rating: 7.5

    Starscream's jet mode is replicated... fairly well at this small scale. He does have the long cockpit and nosecone, though it doesn't stick out as much as it should; it's hampered a bit by the robot extras near the rear of the nosecone, like on the Power Surge version. The main wings look great, but the tailfins are a bit too tiny proportionally. There is also some obvious kibble in this mode; the most obvious of which are the shoulders sticking out from the sides of the cockpit. The arms are hidden from a top-down view, but they are just hanging out there below the wings. The feet are also pretty darned obvious, sticking out from the back end without any attempt to turn them into jet engines or anything. The mold detailing here is up to RID2015 standards at this small of a scale, with the requisite stripes and angular lines on the wings, cockpit, and tailfins, but it's still somewhat basic detailing in this mode overall-- as you'd generally expect for a jet. As with other Starscream toys, his main plastic color is unfortunately that blah light milky gray, though a good amount of dark pale red paint on his wings helps with the variation in that section. He has the yellowish-orange paint on his cockpit window with some silver detailing around it, but for some odd reason the whole nosecone is painted a fairly dark, pale blue-- and one that doesn't match the more "teal-y" shade of the red of 'Screamer's blue plastic. Not sure what this is all about, as it doesn't match the show model at all. Still, at least it provides some more color upfront.
    Starscream's transformation is blatantly obvious from just looking at the bottom of the jet mode; unfold the shoulders, fold up the wings, and fold down the nosecone while separating his legs. Voila, he's transformed. Starscream suffers from a few maladies at this small of a scale, but overall this is definitely the better of his two modes, with FAR less kibble. His main wings hang behind his back, trying to mimic the cloak of his Warrior figure and... kinda succeeding. You can only fold them up so much on a Legion toy, though. There's also the tailfins on the sides of his lower legs, but they aren't a big deal for the size, even if they kinda mess with the sleekness down there. The nosecone is on the back and outta sight, so no issues there. Overall the proportions of the main body are quite well-done, with an impressive amount of detailing on the chest in particular, showing his faux cockpit and vent-pecs there. His pointed kneecaps and toes are also present, as well as his fairly wide shoulders. Starscream's lower arms are really overly skinny and long, however, and look very odd. His facesculpt is also a bit off-- the silhouette looks good, but his chin juts forward too much and his mouth just looks off. The color breakup is much better in this mode as well-- although light milky gray is certainly still the dominant color, there's plenty of light teal and blue on the upper legs, lower arms, shoulders, and feet. Beyond the dark pale red on the wings, there's also some outlining his waist and chest/shoulder details, and some yellowish orange on his faux cockpit-chest. His head also is painted black with a silver face and red eyes. Overall, for a Legion figure, this is an impressive amount of paint in this mode. Starscream's articulation is also pretty good for the size-- he can move at the shoulders (at two points), elbows, hips, and knees, with the elbows and hips being ball joints.
    RID2015 legion Starscream's vehicle mode has a few kibble & color issues, but his robot mode is great for the size, with excellent proportions, paint, and articulation. Not quite the strongest Legion class figure of the line, but he's definitely up there. If you want a small version of RID2015 'Screamer, this does pretty nicely.

Review by Beastbot

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