Strongarm (Legion) [RID 2015]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legion
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Moderately dark blue, black, white, and some silver, red, pale dull yellow, and blue
Rating: 8.0

    Strongarm's police SUV mode makes it pretty well to the small Legion-class size-- proportionally she's pretty spot-on in vehicle mode, with the only real difference being that the back end is slightly-- SLIGHTLY-- larger than on the show model, probably because of the longer bottoms needed for the feet so she stays stable in robot mode. The front grill has some nice angular details, along with some little divots around the tire bumps, little divots on the back end-- her main details are replicated quite well here. The back end is almost non-existent (hollow) due to her transformation, but on a toy this small that's not really an issue. The main issue I DO have with this mode is that the colors are off-- Strongarm is white with blue details, not blue with white details. She's missing quite a lot of paint, particularly on the front half, to the point where this almost looks like some kind of slight exclusive variant as opposed to something trying to actually replicate her show color scheme accurately. On the plus side, the white on the sides and the silver grill do look quite nice against the blue. The red on her siren looks nice, but the blue paint used on the other siren isn't light enough to be used on a siren-- there isn't enough contrast between it and the main plastic color.
    To transform Strongarm to her robot mode, just unfold the back end into her legs, split the front half outwards, and then fold out the arms and fold in the side windows. I particularly like that last step-- it really was unexpected for a Legion-class toy, but flipping the windows up against those bulky shoulders so they don't stand out was a nice touch. Her show model is, once again, replicated quite well here, with the back half of her vehicle mode accurately forming her lower legs, most of the front half forming her shoulders, and most of the other robot parts hidden in vehicle mode. The mold detailing on her robot parts is very accurate, with a "belt" on her waist, the "broken up ridged" chest, and her facesculpt. The facesculpt is pretty spot-on with a yellow crest and the rest of the front of her head is painted white, though-- in a twist-- this is one of the few Strongarm toys sculpted with her face mask up, which helps distinguish it a bit. The weakest part of this mode are her lower arms, which have part of the side doors just hanging off them. Her arms are also a little more 2-D than I'd like. Her colors are broken up a bit more here, with black on the upper legs and chest, though she still has too much blue and not enough white. As far as articulation, she can move at the shoulders (at two points), elbows, hips, and knees-- pretty good for a Legion-class toy. Her hands are molded for Cyberverse-scaled toys, and there's a similarly-scaled port in between her sirens in vehicle mode, but she doesn't come with any weapons herself, unfortunately.
    Surprisingly, Legion class Strongarm is actually one of my favorite toys of the character, looking quite solid in both modes, having no real extras, good proportions and articulation for a toy of this size, and I love the facemask up on her face. The arms are a little weak and she needs more white, but otherwise this is a solid choice if you don't mind the small scale. One of the best Legion-class toys of the line.

Review by Beastbot

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