Megatronus (Warrior) [RID 2015]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Semi-metallic charcoal black, moderately light milky gray, and some metallic royal purple, dark red, moderately light blue, and silver
Rating: 7.2 (mass-release); 7.3 ("Clash" variant)*

    Megatronus' vehicle mode is a Cybertronian tank, though in this case "Cybertronian" is just kinda short hand for "a little lazy". Thankfully it's not just the robot mode doing extreme yoga, but there's still definitely some really weak spots about this tank mode. The treads look largely good, with molded-in wheels and even a missile rack on the top of each tread. The turret is also fairly good, with a nice angular look that narrows into a cannon mouth that's still fairly wide. The back of the robot head is pretty darned obvious on the back end of the turret section, though at least it's not the full head and there's a couple of spikes back there to help it blend in... slightly. A bit of the robot chest panel also sticks out from the sides below the cannon, but this is pretty minor. The rest of what should be a solid tank body is just... gone. This tank's all treads and turret. There's just a narrow body connecting the two, which is obviously the robot waist and hips. On the front section of the lower body there's little drill details molded in to kind of logically allow him to "drill away" any obstacles that would theoretically come in between his two tread sections, but it's still hard to see how this could be a functional alt mode-- there's just not enough body to make it look like it would withstand much. As with most RID2015 toys the detailing is farily sparse, though the treads are fairly well-detailed and there's the RID-usual trio of "divots" on places like the top of the turret. There's also cool little details painted light blue on the underside of the turret (which is where you also slide in Megatronus' spear, which is his robot mode weapon-- here it's more of a "turret bayonet"). The general color scheme is pretty dull, just a fairly light milky gray (which is super boring) and charcoal black. The black is semi-metallic, which makes it look a bit better, but making it a more "pure" black would've looked better. Additionally, to make the toy show-accurate there should have been less gray and more black. As far as paint, there's some nice metallic royal purple on the front end of the turret, as well as on the front end of the "bayonet", and a bit of silver on the sides of the tank treads that becomes part of the feet in robot mode. Beyond that and the aforementioned little blue details, he's pretty sparse paint-wise in this mode, which is especially a shame around the treads-- all those wheels really should've been painted silver to stand out a bit more.
    Megatronus' transformation is fairly obvious from the tank mode-- the treads become the legs (with a few ingenious panel flips), and the turret becomes the main body and arms. This is definitely the mode this toy was designed around, and is pretty solid. The aforementioned tank drill bits kinda stick out from the sides of his butt, but otherwise there's no kibble in this mode to speak of. The lower legs are just a TITCH too large-- they do form the entire treads, after all-- but otherwise Megatronus is quite proportional, with a fairly wide chest that narrows down to a decently-sized waist and upper legs, nice shoulders formed from halves of part of the turret, and nice lower arms that are formed from the tank cannon, complete with that nifty blue and royal purple paint detailing there. Because of the transformation the lower arms are a little 2-D, though, and look too flat from a side view. The headsculpt is very well-done, with two large side horns and two smaller horns on the forehead, with an otherwise "normal" but stern-looking face. The red eyes and silver paint on the face really brings out those details and definitely makes him look like a bad guy. There's also some nifty angular and circular chest details molded on, but unfortunately they aren't painted. The color scheme is broken up a little more in this mode, with dark purple paint on the middle of the chest, the sides of the shoulders, and the knees, with the other paint apps from tank mode carrying over. That said, the color scheme is still fairly dull with so much charcoal black and light gray. Megatronus' articulation is VERY good, with joints at the neck, shoulders (at three points; four if you count the shoulder armor moving up-and-down), elbows, waist rotation, and at the hips (at two points) and knees. Given how well-balanced he is, he can get into some pretty darned cool poses.
    Warrior Megatronus is definitely the best toy of this design, but that's fairly faint praise. The robot mode has very nice proportions, articulation, and an overall look, but the tank mode is quite poor, and the color scheme is pretty dull as well. So recommended if you like the character, but if you're not a completist you can probably skip this one-- there's plenty of better RID2015 warriors out there.

Review by Beastbot

*This version of Megatronus was also released in Toys "R" Us-exclusive "Clash of the Transformers" packaging; the only difference between that version and the mass-release version of the toy, however, is the headsculpt. On the Toys "R" Us exclusive version, Megatronus has a "helmet down" headsculpt as seen  in the cartoon. I love the wicked-looking horned, emotionless headsculpt on the Toys "R" Us version better, but it's also MUCH more difficult to get and was quite rare, so keep that in mind if you want that version more.

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