Dragonus vs. Bashbreaker, Lancelon, & Lord Doomitron (RID 2015)

Set Price: $15 U.S.
Overall Rating: 5.5

(NOTE: Because this set is composed mostly of repaints, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the relevant molds and their color schemes, and merely compares them to the original versions of these molds. For a review on the single-packed version of Bashbreaker, go here. For a review on the single-packed version of Lord Doomitron, go here.)

Weapon ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Mini-Con
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark brownish red, black, and some silver and dark metallic purple
Individual Rating: 4.5

    Bashbreaker here has gotten a "Decepticon" version for this multi-pack. (I kinda like the idea of the Weaponizer Mini-Cons turning different colors depending on whether they're being used for good or evil.) His main color by far-- particularly from a frontal view-- is a dark, brownish red that looks a bit rusty. It suits a hammer quite well, all things considered, even if it is a bit dull. His other main color is black, mostly used on his back and shoulders. It serves as an okay neutral color for the reddish brown to contrast off of, but it doesn't really add much to the overall scheme. For paint apps, Bashbreaker has some silver paint on his face, as well as a really nice shade of dark metallic purple on his eyes and his "mohawk". (I really wish this metallic purple was used more on the toy, as not only does it go great with the rusty brownish red, it's very Decepticon-y, too.) Unfortunately, that's it as far as paint apps go. Double-unfortunately, Bashbreaker is one of the two Mini-Cons in this pack that doesn't come with any armor pieces, making him kind of bland overall.
    No mold changes have been made to this version of Bashbreaker.

Dragonus (Weaponizer)
Weapon ModeBeast Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Mini-Con
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Moderately dark semi-metallic blue and some moderately dull red and white
Individual Rating: 6.6

    Like with Slipstream, Dragonus' Weaponizer version uses the same basic design and transformation of his original version, but it's almost completely a new mold regardless. In alt mode, instead of merely being a torpedo "shell", this shell is now detailed to look like a railgun. It's a great alt mode for a Weaponizer, and generally looks good-- the two long prongs on the front have several diagonal lines on them, and there's LOTS of mechanical details molded into the main body of the toy. A gear detail around the Autobot symbol (looks like Dragonus has switched sides), circuitry lines and tubes near the back, an angled front with several more diagonal lines, and what look like "headlights" near the sides... it all comes together quite well. Other than the little dragon feet sticking out just a bit below this mode, there's no beast mode extras either (and the dragon feet are pretty minor as well, only barely sticking out and pretty acceptable on a Mini-Con-priced toy). What was the tail on the original Dragonus is now a handle for this mode, so a larger 'bot can hold Dragonus in its fist. Dragonus' core color scheme this time around is a moderately dark blue, with a semi-metallic sheen to it because there's a bit of glitter mixed in with the plastic-- it's a pretty nice shade, but unfortunately as with many Mini-Cons, there's very little paint. In this mode, just a bit of some very dull red paint is there on the top of the railgun bits, and then a titch of the same shade of plastic on the sides can be seen, as well. It's especially a shame given all the excellent mold detailing on the toy.
    As with the original toy, just pull the alt mode apart into two halves and fold them back, and the rest of the toy auto-transforms. The railgun-wings are a pretty neat look, if not QUITE as convincing wing-wise as on the original, due to more of them not being a horizontal covering for the toy and looking more like... well, like halves of a gun. The same proportions exist here as on the original Dragonus toy as well, with tiny little feet, a long neck with a slim dragon head, and two pieces attaching each wing to the main body. (As mentioned before, the longer tail has been replaced with a handle, giving Dragonus a shorter tail in this mode comparatively.) Despite Hasbro easily being able to get away with leaving the core dragon body and head the same if they wanted to, they're completely new pieces; the body contains much of the same mold detailing from the center-rear portion of the gun mode, and the dragon head and neck have a much more "mechanized" look to them. The head is simpler, with a a bit of an underbite and angular, simple ears, with some segmented angular detailing along the neck. It's an improvement, in my opinion. The small dragon feet are also much more robotic-looking as well, with the claws being more angular and pointed and some more minor mechanical details on the bottom of the body. Although still very blue in this mode, the red is a bit more apparent, being the color of the four plastic bits that connect the wings to the body, and the eyes are painted white as well. For articulation, the head can move SLIGHTLY side-to-side at the base of the neck, but that's it.

Weapon ModeRobot ModeWeapon Mode (w/ Armor)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Mini-Con
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Milky pale orangish "cheesy" yellow, milky semi-metallic purple, transparent red, and some silver, red, dark maroon
Individual Rating: 4.7

    Because so much of his weapon mode depends on comments made about his robot mode, I'll talk about that aspect of Lancelon first. Lancelon has a very "knight-y" look, with a three-pronged helmet with a tiny red visor; small dagger and sword details coming off his relatively small, short arms; and some sleek armor-like details on his shoulders and waist. Like the other Weaponizer Mini-Cons, he has a gear detail around his chest. He's got a few minor detailed angles on his legs, but they're relatively sparse when it comes to mold detailing compared to the rest of him. His proportions are relatively good overall, fitting in with the slightly chibi-fied proportions of a RID2015 Mini-Con when looked at from the front. Unfortunately, Lancelon is essentially a figure that's only made to be looked at from the front in this mode. Turn him to the side, and you'll see two long pegs sticking out of his back, and just how 2-D and a "front" most of his robot bits are-- the bulk of the mass is actually behind his body details in this mode, where his weapon mode has retracted into a large sleeve behind those robot mode details on the front. He doesn't look like he can remotely move or articulate (and indeed, he cannot move at all in this mode), and he's got a big division in between the front and back halves of his body. So... yeah, just look at him from the front. For a color scheme, he's got a somewhat pale version of an orangish-yellow "cheese" shade that makes up most of his main body, while a milky semi-metallic purple makes up his appendages and a bit of the tip of the lance that pokes out behind his head. This latter shade is quite nice with a bit of glitter in it, and certainly looks quite Decepticon-y. It's a decent, basic color scheme, although making the shades a bit darker or bolder would've looked better. As with most Mini-Cons, there's very little paint on him-- beyond the aforementioned red visor, there's some silver paint on his lower chest and abs and a dull maroon color on his chest gear detail-- all of which go okay with the orange-yellow on his main body-- but that's it.
    Lancelon's transformation is very simple-- just flip down his handle below his legs and then move up the purple slider on his back-- this makes the purple parts fold apart and up before collapsing together again to form the blade. Basically this means that the bottom half of this mode is his orange-yellow robot mode minus his appendages-- and with the head partially covered up-- while the top half is a pretty solid purple blade, with the arms and legs somewhat visible near the middle and upper sides of this mode. I do wish there was less "body" to this alt mode and more of an actual blade-- he is meant to be a lance, after all, not a dagger-- but it's decent. The arms and legs fold into the main silhouette so well I honestly don't really mind them. Plus, Lancelon can either be held by the handle sticking below his legs, or you can peg him onto a larger 'bot by the slider on his back, giving you a choice of two possible ways he can be wielded. For transparent armor parts, Lancelon's are translucent red, which is a pretty nice color that contrasts against the orange-yellow particularly nicely-- and given how they're used, they really do look like protrusions made of Energon. Lancelon's got a wickedly detailed armor piece that fits over his chest and head, making him look quite eeevil for a knight with all its intricate angular detailing. His other four armor pieces are long, skinny, angular pieces that fit into slots on the sides of his lower arms and in between his shoulders. In robot mode, this makes him look more like he's got red lightning coming out of his body and arms, whereas in lance mode, this greatly enhances the sharp, intricate look of his blade, giving him several more edges and making the general "triangle" shape of the blade larger. None of the pieces pop out easily, either, and all of them can fit on in both modes, so these are pretty solid additions to Lancelon.

Lord Doomitron
Weapon ModeRobot ModeWeapon Mode w/ Armor
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Mini-Con
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Orangish "cheesy" yellow, transparent light red, light forest green, and some dark red
Individual Rating: 6.0

    This redeco really makes me think Lord Doomitron-- despite being a remold of the Mini-Con Bludgeon-- was the one originally meant to be called Bludgeon. His main color this time around is the very Bludgeon-y color of a cheesy yellowish orange, used on pretty much all of his weapon mode and on his main body, shoulders, and most of his head in robot mode. His other main color is a really eye-catching shade of light forest green, which is just a fantastic shade and contrasts excellently with the yellow (it's used mostly on his lower legs and arms). Green has also been tied to many versions of Bludgeon over the years, as is the transparent plastic used for Lord Doomitron's armor parts-- light red. The light red, needless to say, looks VERY good on the flame bits on Doomitron's shoulders, and works decently on his evil face-chest armor, small blades on his robot arms, and big blade on his weapon mode. It complements the yellow pretty nicely, though it and the green are a bit too light to work off each other. For paint apps, Lord Doomitron has a green face, with dark red paint used on both his robot mode eyes and the weapon mode "eyes" on those very evil-looking chest details of his. All in all, ignoring the Bludgeon homage (if that was indeed the intention), it's a decent color scheme, although not nearly as fitting on the mold as on the single-packed version of this toy.
    No mold changes have been made to this version of Lord Doomitron.

    The third and final Mini-Con 4-pack-- which is also the only one to consist completely of Weaponizers-- is a bit of a mixed bag. Lord Doomitron and Dragonus are pretty solid, though the color schemes on their single-pack versions are definitely better. Lancelon and Bashbreaker have color schemes that are more or less in line with their single-pack versions in terms of how much I like them, but they're both some of the weaker Weaponizer Mini-Con molds. IF you have easy access to the single-pack versions of these molds-- which is a huge qualifier, given how rare they were to find even at the time they were out-- AND you don't want multiple Weaponizers of the same mold, this pack is a skip. If, however, you're like most people and this is the only version of these Mini-Cons you have remotely easy access to, well, here they are.

Reviews by Beastbot

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